it's been one frkn heck of a week, 2 EXAMS EVERY DAY monday till thursday. it's what you get for doing jap and music - 4 exams for jap - two for music and then there was maths and stupid english >_<
crap - it think i've lost my touch on blogging xD
ah well.
MONDAY - monday was advanced english and ext jap speaking. english was okay - i was pretty happy after english - mainly cos the question wasn't too hard and i felt like i answered it - apparently st. louis is marking and she likes her questions answered =) i remember that stupid time when everybody lost a mark - except for michelle *rolls eyes* for not answering the question enough.
anyway, then - a foreboding dark cloud approached as the time neared for me to do ext jap speaking. at first - i was pretty relaxed - ahaha and even played putt putt golf with kelvin with this ball that we found in the passive area and a stick that he found in the garden ahaha. i think Kelvin was on -2 and i was on something worse - forgot whether negative was good or bad..bleh stupid golf ahaha - (everybody should look up Robin Williams - Gold on youtube ahha it's frkn hilarious - benny would know ;D)
hehe - so i was second - and shaun was first - ahha poor thing. and cos i didn't realise how frkn hard the test was gonna be - i still pretty jolly..until i saw the questions. IT WAS SO SPECIFIC -and in short, i can't give the questions away cos ppl haven't done it yet =__= lowcock gave us a lecture on how we shouldn't give away questions cos it lowers our rank as people can do SO much better knowing the question - true but kinda turns us against one another...
in short - it was hard. and i got 8/10 but that was only cos i was lucky i think - had to impromptu so much of the stuff - add in a many many eetto...etto...and ahahah whenever you go overtime (cos we were only suposed to talk for 2 minutes), sensei would constantly look at his watch and just stare at it - ahaha i just ignored him, but it was hard to cos he didn't seem to pay any more attention to me anymore =( and yes. ext jap = very difficult.
TUESDAY:maths ext 1 - ARGH i didn't get pieAB =( heh it was quite fun after the test tho - everybody in the common room preparing for music and some others like eddles was doing oh and nathan too. and i learnt about Gamites, or Gametes? i forget - but they're sex cells =D
TUESDAY:maths ext 1 - ARGH i didn't get pieAB =( heh it was quite fun after the test tho - everybody in the common room preparing for music and some others like eddles was doing oh and nathan too. and i learnt about Gamites, or Gametes? i forget - but they're sex cells =D
stupid eddles - i told him he should have studied more on gamites and sex cells and he just laughingly brushes me aside and says he'll own it anyway - so happens sex cells was in the bio test - SHOULD ALWAYS LISTEN TO ME =D or the coin ;)
speaking of the coin - me and eddles (mizzy as he likes to be called =__=), as indecisive as we were in the october holidays - could NEVER decide where to go and..need to think back on the coin story...well we would just flip a coin saying something like - if it's head we'll go, if it's tails, were going tennis. I REMEMBER THE STORY NOW!!!
GOSH - i remember - it was so frkn bad and mean... i ent gna talk about it heh, cos too many people read this blog xD - just to prompt mizzy if he reads this (parra 2nd bus, movies, dogged, rage - then shaun and i finished all your icecream xP)
GOSH - i remember - it was so frkn bad and mean... i ent gna talk about it heh, cos too many people read this blog xD - just to prompt mizzy if he reads this (parra 2nd bus, movies, dogged, rage - then shaun and i finished all your icecream xP)
oh bother, how did i get to this,,oh yes. anyway
MUSIC THEORY - (apparently, mr wongsies said i already lost a few marks - 2U music probably ent gna count for me then - sigh** hopefully EXT music will be better scaling yay 100 UAI..NOT xD)
music theory - a lot of weird questions and i think i overprepared - cos i couldn't even fit half the notes i had on the two pieces onto the essay i had to write - and in general - it kinda sucked =(
music theory - a lot of weird questions and i think i overprepared - cos i couldn't even fit half the notes i had on the two pieces onto the essay i had to write - and in general - it kinda sucked =(
WEDNESDAY - ARGH EXT2 MATHS - I MISSED THE LAST PAGEE!!!! gar it was easiest one too - i also forgot how to do the integrate from 0 to pie on 2, cosx all over sinx plus cosx. turns out it's so frkn easy to do =__=
JAP EXT READING AND RESPONDING - GARRR cries* ahahah we prepared a lot again, watching the spirited away movie etc, couldnt' really do much cos after ext speaking, WE COULD BE ASKED ANYTHING.luckily - the responding was something we did in jap tutoring - hurrah for jap tutoring - i kinda feel really burnt out of jap though....
okay.lucy's (girl from jap tutoring) story
a friend of a friend of a friend ( i know..=__=) of hers was in a station quite late at night. she was catching the train to get home, and she sees these two girls sitting on one of those blue benches. she saw one of the girls, asleep and lying on the shoulder of the other girl and the other girl was sitting up quite straight, awake.
She was about to sit down next to them, when suddenly she hears this voice behind her. turns out to be a security guard "hey missy, i think there's a problem with your ticket" and takes her to the security box.
a friend of a friend of a friend ( i know..=__=) of hers was in a station quite late at night. she was catching the train to get home, and she sees these two girls sitting on one of those blue benches. she saw one of the girls, asleep and lying on the shoulder of the other girl and the other girl was sitting up quite straight, awake.
She was about to sit down next to them, when suddenly she hears this voice behind her. turns out to be a security guard "hey missy, i think there's a problem with your ticket" and takes her to the security box.
The security guard locks the door and tells her to look at the CCTV security camera and says "you see the girl lying on the other girl - i saw her get killed by that other girl"
turns out the security guard potentially saved her from getting killed.
was it scary? gosh - apparently i suck at telling stories. i intend to improve at it xD mindy's quite good @ telling stories, so is lucy ahaha hmmm.. haha belle i heard the story about your dad proposing to your mum from mindizzle a.ka MC Hang ahaha anyone get it - heh apparently deva told her that - gosh he's so smart. dammit
anyway. wat was i on abt.
meh jap ext - turns out to be okay. except I WROTE TOO MUCH!! ended up writing like 1000 ji in total i think.
wednesday - goes home sleeps and rushes his ext 1 essay cos first draft got the comment "Reasonable - but needing some work" so naturally - i did some work on it =D but it's probably still reasonable. ahaha
meh jap ext - turns out to be okay. except I WROTE TOO MUCH!! ended up writing like 1000 ji in total i think.
wednesday - goes home sleeps and rushes his ext 1 essay cos first draft got the comment "Reasonable - but needing some work" so naturally - i did some work on it =D but it's probably still reasonable. ahaha
hmmm. THURSDAY - oh crap, i better start my 2U english soon.
Jap speaking - that was alright - special thanks goes to kazuki for making me less nervous in front of the weirdly blue shirted lowcock sensei with skinny jeans on.
after that, we studied for ext english essay - thanks shaun for editing mine =) ahaha and ahah alice -the tables outside the msuci room were wet from the rain on wednesday and what happened was, alice was sitting on the bench, not facing the table, and she leans back and places her hand on the table and says "Crap, I'm wet" and Kazuki, bursts out in laughter and we're like - er..did he..laugh cos she was wet? or for a totally different reason altogether.. anyway ahaha it was quite a fun little half an hour.

anyway, just came back from Earth Hour - i thought i would have lost all my blog - cos i accidentalyl swtiched off the computer - wtf people just switch off the lights and continue using electricity =___=
i forced everybody to turn off their computers/laptops and listen to my piano playing xD
and then we had a mini concert where Krystal sang Reflection from Mulan heh i tried to teach her how to play it on piano but frkn impatient girl - just gave up after trying to play it a few times gah.
anyway, ext 1 English - question was weird -watver, i did pretty badly ...hmmm i should post up some pictures, otherwise people gna say it's boring/blog is crap. well go read Aryan's
so, i woke up @ like 10.30 and i swear, i shouldn't sleep so much - i got really tired during the listening part of jap exam - i srsly dno why, i think i was concentrating too hard wen everyone was waiting for jane to finish physics and get to jap exam ahaha . or i used too much strength trying to close the window/open the window of the jap class room..heh.
anyway, jap. listening was quite muzukashii. and GAWSH lowcock wrote 2.15 finish time. and i was like. woah crap i don't hav much time - cos you know, teachers don't get their time wrong and i trust teachers - cos i don't really trust myself haha so i'm there, rushing my comprehension, listening passages, and writing GOSH - hope everybody wrote 3 passages, yoonface and shaunyporny only wrote 2 passages apparently - ....
so i'm here, rushing and swearing. rex is really rushing it too - and den 2.15 comes - okay times up. and we're like..wth sif i haven't even finished yet wtf and then mindy. our saviour. goes. no, we still have 25 minutes - Lee backs her up and then we realise YES WE HAVE 25 MORE MINUTES - but guess what, everybody rushed it soo much - unles you cross out a whole frkn page like rex did, there wasn't anything left to say!! gawsh!!! so i thought of new ideas, creative and awesome as i am and well - got pretty fustrated by the end. shucks to be me
anyway, get home and watch Jeff Dunham
HE'S SOO GOOD - the awesome comedian and ventriloquist - he's just hilarious - i can watch him forever heh =)
on a sadder note.
mummy left today for hk - it's still today cos she left @ 5am on an 8am flight to HK. i set the alarm for 5am and woke everybody up, except for alfie gor gor, to say goodbyes and stuff - was so tired, kept going back to sleep, in and out but eventually yes. got up and so tired, so watched tv with my sister until famiyl friend came and picked her up ahaha i was scared that there was gna b like naughty movies on so i was standing in front of the tv, shielding my sister from the violence...turns out Friends with Winnie and Tigger are on at that time, and so are all these american shows.
the house is quite quiet now, a bit sad i guess, i've always kinda LEFT mum, going on camp, jap trip and stuff but she's never really LEFT i dno. it feels kinda weird.
she has to go though, cos her health has gone quite bad, she needs to rest in hk so yep...=)
we're just all eating her left overs ahaha she bought all this food for us, and taught me how to start the car in case burglars came and we had to leave =DDDDD ahaha it was quite fun. considering i'm not allowed to drive and mum's alwasy like this. always thinks of the WORST ever case scenarios and ends up either buying lots of unnecesasry stuff - which comes into need after a while - cos sooner or later you're gna need humidifers, extra blankets, extra food, rice (when she heard 9/11 happened and thought there was gna b a war xD) and other stuff. xD i miss my mum.
enough abt that.
gna post some pictures...maybe.
KENDO - i beat one of the guys there. hehe NOT
they didn't let me in ahaha
hehe Puma = PUMAN - hehe there were all these funny shirts in the souvenir stores xD
this happened as Justin's jap buddy invited us for dinner - just me and him xD and it was kinda a buffet except you just keep ordering with a piece of paper, and tell them what you want and it just keeps coming was SOOO nice =)) they asked us if we ate kimchi and we're like...woah japanese ppl eat kimchi too?! ahaha
My favourite city in Japan - Kyoto. it's beautiful and we rode on electric bikes and ahah they're soo fun - they give you a boost wen you're going up a slope or when you're kinda tired ahaha so good =) and they were pretty cheap too eheh
okay. i can't think of anythign else to say.
a big shout to kazuki if he reads this - thanks for coming to visit and please come back to Australia soon - eddison will miss you xD
night night. =]
ReplyDeleteJap was quite devastating D: I feel GRARKSFJSLDKFJ when I think about it. And I'm quite screwed for extension.
GOODLUCK FOR YOUR MUSIC? I heard you have 6 pieces to play :) Hhaha. Hope your fingers don't fall off after the first two songs yeah? :P
What a long blog. Too bad about maths and jap. I don't get the story. Was it meant to be a scary story?
ReplyDeleteBoobies :D
LOL i really lolled when i read about sensei wearing skinny jeans.
ReplyDeletetalking to kazuki now, so sad he's not here anymore T_T