can't believe everybody forgot it was April Fools day today
by the time i remembered, which was funnily enough as I was showering; i was like - DAMN, my perfect chance to get back @ nathan, eddy, shaun and grubs for all the pain and suffering placed upon me - AND I FORGET! GARR
i am VERY sick.
you'd think, that after being very sick during exam week, then getting better -that i would have developed the immune system to conquer any virus or bacterial infiltration that would occur - but NO, here i am - sniffling, crinkling my nose and rubbing my eyes.
i have been warned against talking too much like my last blog, and i have been told to "MORE PICTURES LESS WORDS" but meh, see if i care xD ahaha i really don't have many pictures to show people. Pictures which i will not get teased for, and yet are still funny - sigh** are a little hard to find.
so here i am, talking and talking and talking again xP - no wonder they say Belle's blog is more interesting - well - in a way, i do agree, Belle's blogs, though short at times, except for the long one of taking care of my skin (Belle, how do i get rid of the battle scars i received from pimples? =D). Back to Belle's blogs, they are quite interesting - hehe. Anybody use google chrome? they display your most popular (most constantly visited pages) and at first, my blog was beating hers by far, in terms of my views, and then, it's almost beating facebook!! =O

very popular there Belle D= hehe ^_^
today was one of the worst days ever, i can't believe that i got what i got for Ext 2 maths - i mean i dont' work REALLY hard @ it - but sigh** i guess i either need to spend more time on it - which i don't think i'll be able to - OR i'll drop Ext2 Maths.
right now.
Music - need to spend probably 2 hours a day on...[recently got owned in music prac. =(]
Japanese - need to spend around 5 hours a week, not including tutoring.
English - need to spend around ..i don't know really heh
MATHS = GOSH - without Ext 2 i could probably do all of the above much better, but if i do really well in Ext 2 (after spending more time on it) would that get me a higher UAI ??
so it's doing quite well in 3Maths,3English,3Jap,3Music VERSES good in 4Maths, okay in 3English,good in 3Jap, not so good in 3Music. (and subsequently getting owned by piano teacher for not practicing enough...)
i need to have a good talk with Connors. ;D
don't really have many photos recently, so i'll post up pictures of my visual rep - before it was defiled by Connie, Larissa and then Nathan and possibly Eddy... =@


what the hell, it's upside down?? it looks perfectly fine when i took the photo...=( stop blogspot XD

gar, it says "Our search for an identity is like building blocks".
main thesis - being something like we go through life, trying to be what we're not, putting on various societal masks, hiding away our individuality, then we realise, as we accumulate the experience of various identities, that we are much better as we are and we should accept ourselves for who we are =) heh
didn't do much else today - saw my primary school friend Cherry Gold @ Eastwood today - but i was too err..busy to say hi to her xD apart from that - my little trip to eastwood was filled with massive sneezes and sniffing..
D: HOW MUCH TIME DID YOU SPEND ON VIS REP hehe. its quite colourful. AND :O AT THE BLOG STATS! WHAT IS THIS GOOGLE CHROME?! D: D: D: I'm feeling quite untech savvy now :(
ReplyDeleteBATTLESCAR TREATMENT: I've read that tea tree oil can help scars. BECAUSE this natural ingredient.. wait. rephrase
The scar is regenerated tissue that's new.. so it may have a different shape/texture/colour to your normal skin. What tea tree oil does is that it goes in DEEP down and spurs the regeneration of your other skin so it may reduce the clashing appearance.. if you know what I mean. :/ And I think it starts of this chemical reaction that uses an enzyme to increase the rate of speedy skin regeneration activity.. or something like that.
I can teach you Ext1 and Ext2 Maths. And I can also help you get better pictures. Just let me take the photos :D
enzymes dont speed up the rate of regeneration activity.
ReplyDeleteAll they do is catalyse mostly internal reactions, notably physiological functions. Must ask aditi though to see if there are any relevant skin enzymes.
DOnt drop're at ruse, hence getting average at ruse equates to an enormous big fat 90-95% at any public school
thanks eddy and nathan ^_^
ReplyDeletei'll haf to do much better next time to make up for last time - hopefully get a decent mark.
i shall bring my camera to the fete tomorrow =)