This is a REALLY long blog LOL
i won't be blogging for a while, depends, i'm getting lazy and i got a whole house to clean up. ahaha sorry fort his blog taking so long to finish ^_^
the trains are very nice and very quick to chatswood =)
school today. was meh.
a frkn person in my maths class ALWAYS pms-es in the morning and it's quite er annoying cos eddy and I just wanna have fun but he sits in the middle sulking and groaning and moaning - welps at least i get some work done ahaha. but i miss chatting with eddy and making random comments as well as listening to his music =D
learnt Volumes - almost finished the topic. it's quite interesting but EVERYBODY talks too much in maths. feel SO sorry for O'Hare, she's a very nice lady who tries qutie hard for our class, bringing us donuts to demonstrate some volume concept and showing us visual representations of volumes - cos it's hard to visualise sometimes.
a lot of people just pay no attention, talk and just are being very rude. i wish i was brave. i'd tell them to shut up and listen. so what it's the last day of school, it's the last day of school for her too and if she's trying hard @ her age for us, we should also try hard for her.
people brought Brawl and played without sound in the music room. i was quite bored, so i asked Mr Wong to teach me something, he talked to me about my composition diary - hopefully i got okay marks for that. and eventually, he told everybody to pee off, cos just cos it's THEIR free/study period doesn't mean it's ours and they should have fun somewhere else.
we ended up watching Sweeny Todd the demon barber from Fleet Street. it's VERY interesting and i think i'm gna download it very soon.
am i being quite the hater? lols sorry. just that some people are being very disrespectful just cos they've finished their exams and expect to just bludge around. i mean - i still want to learn.. in fact i love learning. and nobody has any right to take that away from me.
we had recess, and people were playing guitar hero. meh - it looks like a game of much hand coordination - i'm not very good at those...:Sbut i've never tried guitar hero - it seems fun. ahaha mainly repeated my blog from yesterday to belle.
momo got angry @ nathan for analing him - =S it was quite weird..obviously momo's quite sensitive there hehehe
double english -
found out Macintosh was leaving 2 be head teacher in Turramurra - shaun was delighted and everybody from her class was very upset and sad. She's a very good teacher and was my roll call teacher this year - very sad to see her leave, they didn't even get to have a party for her...
watched citizen Kane - it's starting to get interesting - seriously. you've GOT to read the film synopsis to know what's going on, to be able to see the true..goodness? of the film. it's quite nice. and very good on the 'human condition' according to Shaun.
gawd - school. i'm gna miss school. just thought i'd put that in. i'm still expecting to go to school tomorrow, but obviously i wont' be..=( i'm gna miss everybody a lot.
ANYWAY, had lunch. and this is well, what happened.
told richard and nathan that eddles' place wasnt available for tennis, because he's gna be going with US to chatswood. ahaha we organised it first, so we have priority, hehe. quite unfortunate nathan couldn't come..=S it was great fun.
ANYWAY, shall not spoil too much of our chatswood fun yet (which smellybelly missed out on xD AGN)
lunch -
watched jealously at the people who could have enough coordination to play guitar hero. Eddy and Nathan found the GOLDEN EGG and here are some photos to commemorate their..findings =D
yay! they found the egg..

nathan laid an egg!! ahaha
and the best picture yet - taken by Leeanne:

haha XD (Alan that's a true XD right there )
well - that was most of lunch - i learnt to make the weirdo star things which i suck at - my fingers are so clumsy when it comes to folding stuff like that - but have no fear i shall learn to fold a rose next ahaha
then it was off to double jap we go.
Alan was our guest japanese student today - sitting thre whilst i chucked tissue @ his head, ahha i swear he didn't notice until he looked through my camera and i had a picture of the back of his head, with tissue balls on top of it. ahhaha
then we got these awesome maltesers teasers - which were maltesers in the size of an easter egg. played a few games with Alan and that was jap.
Then, i said bye, happy holidays to everybody and headed off to chatswood.
Me and Connie sitting together. I swear her butt is quite big too, i could barely fit on the seats on the bus >_<
stupid alan's fingerrs ahaha .btw alan i'm sorry i didn't say bye properly to you ahah you somehow disappeared mysteriously ahaha i know you like that xD
these are the bunch of year 7? or 8 girls who were screaming really loudly until i waltzed in gallantly and bellowed:
it's alright ladies, I'm here
AND NO - i'm not pedo.
After that, we finally got to Epping station and that's where we met Gilly and Patrick and Joey. oh and Sora as well. It was quite funny cos the elevator voice that says "Going Down" ahaha sounds REALLy like Mrs Mail, the deputy principal from Baulko - even the year 8s from baulko were laughing when Gilly pointed that out ehehe
then eddison saw Pat's hot legs ahaha, panicked and we headed towards the chatswood line with our complimentary tickets...
and connie. ahaha
AHAHa i had to upload this photo of Eddles ^_^ don't worry, you look better in the other ones later on i think..
I RECKON THIS IS A REALLY GOOD FOTO. very cute ahaha weather it was a luvo by connie or i took it, i forget but it's a really cute photo =)
AHAHAHA stupid eddles was NOT wincing. He was trying to stick his tongue out in a =P face but at that moment, his tongue went back in or something...mayb he was just tryna make me feel better AHAH
anyways, we get off @ chatswood and IMMEDIATELY we smell somethign REALLY good, and, cos it was my first time @ chatswood on a Thursday, i was just SOO happy ahaha, i was pretty happy almost the whole day, until i ran outta energy @ the end.
wels, these are the AWESOME stores that they had every thursday @ chatswood until quite late.
welps. that was my little visit to the stalls of Chatswood, until later, where i actually buy stuf from the stores.
went to Westfield cos Connie had to buy a present for Kerry. She ended up buying a voodoo doll, which had stuff like "stop stealing my boyfriend" "you're such a bitch" or something in it and many er pins ahaha we were gna put Eddles' face on it ahahah
found a smelly belly reference @ westfield, then smelt the food @ the food court, had to wait for Shaun to change into his mufti gear - i just changed on the bus. well not my pants of course ahaha
then we just got tOO hungry, well i did ahaha and from that moment we got to the stalls, for 5 hours i was NEVER hungry. those 5 hours @ chatswood, we just kept eating and drinking and having soo much fun ahaha.
We had garlic prawns first with lemons but i was just too hungry to take pictures. That was Eddles' shout.
Man, the thing i loved abt today was the fact that everybody just shouted each other. Eddles only had ten bucks, so he shouted us garlic prawns =)
ahaha and i'm officially a LEMON eater ahaha, i saw my cousin eating it and he was just liek, nah it's not sour @ all and today i decided to try it out. and well, WHILST eating it, it's not sour but the AFTERTASTE it well, wakes you up =) ahaha
then we bought takoyaki balls, which CONNIE shouted ahaha.
here we are, with the awesome balls of food. The store there was Japanese so i pulled off an arigatou gozaimasu XDD how awesome to see Japanese people holding their own stalls instead of Krn or chinese people doing japanese food =__= ahaha
more photos of us =)
i have to say, that was one of the best pictures today. nice photo taking Shaun.
never seen eddison so happy next to me in my life ahaha
i was gna buy some lemonade - but it was like frkn 4 bucks for a cup, so i decided not to. we still had lots of time until dinner so we decided to go to Gloria Jeans for a cuppa coffee and talk even more. ahaha i swear, we NEVER ran outta stuff to talk abt, mainly cos connie was there with us. i'm actually quite thankful connie came, could talk to her abt anything. even the dirty stuff XD
ahhaa we were having a nice chat, and eddison suddenly started kissing his spoon. and he found out he could HOLD it there as well. Well, i was utterly amazed and next thing you know, we were taking pictures of ourselves doing it. But WE KEPT LAUGHING, we couldn't stop laughing everytime we did it ahaha sometimes it was eddison who started us, sometimes connie ahaha but laughed so much i could finally feel my abs the first time this year ahaha
oh yes, we found out we could sit quite er funnily on the chairs ahaha likes so:
ahahaha, oh and me too =)
ANYWAYS, we finally took soem good pictures of us doing it, without laughing ehehe
and last but not least,
hehe =) well that was gloria jeans. had a chai latte which i found, was REALLY nice, i thought it was gna b some coffee or something, which i don't relaly like drinking much, but chai latte was VERY nice,
THEN WE HEADED OFF TO IWA !!!! YAY!! AHAHA so excited, couldn't stop moving around the whole time, and shaun kept having to make me speak softer...which was quite hard considering how excited we..well I was ahaha
and mizzy is just excited that he could have a romantic dinner with me.......and shaun and connie AHAH
shaun and connie were our parents on that trip ahaha, connie was the husband, shaun was the wife and me and eddles were the naughty/GOOD children that ate everything in sight ahaha
we ordered FIRSTLY,
the spicy seafood en patitloute or something i forgot how to spell it.
it was VERY spicy. Eddles, being the beast he is, could take most of the spicyness, i could too, but i just didn't prefer eating spicy food so i ate the salad. ahaha which was quite nice also.
this was our yummy sushi platter ahha and EDDLES had his first time eating cavier. which he found quite nice and colourfull ahaha
yes, these are our parents ahaha
i don't think i can recall much of what we talked about - that's the thing abt me, people talk to me about stuff and somehow, i just forget what it was all about =___="
but first, the beautiful stove that made the beautiful wagyu beef beautiful ahaha
many beautiful references there- connie and eddles and shaun would know xDD
i just realised, that would make me and mizzy brothers !! ahaha YAY !! ahaha
And this, ladies and gentlement, is the beautiful, marble coloured, juicy wagyu scotch fillet. you'll have to try it to know what i mean buy beautiful. It's just really nice, hardly have to bite into it and it just melts into your mouth, the beef juices just drippin down your throat and and tender texture of the meat softening with every bite you take. ahaha
omg there's actually a show caleld master chef on channel ten soon - starring ME of course ahaha
i loved how they were doing all these stunts whilst cooking, makes it look like kung fu cooking or shaolin chefs ahaha
then everybody decided to eat their lemons which they got with the wagyu beef ehehe everybdoy except connie just sucked in the juices and was relatively okay. connie, ATE it like an ORANGE and well, she died ahaha
Shaun ended up shouting us dinner - which was around 102.5 dollars, he said it was to be something like his 18th birthday thing, which we selfishly and thoughtlessly forgot. Don't worry shaun, i have your birthday ingrained in my brain for the rest of my life.
i seriously didn't know where 2 go. the gelatissimo place was PACKED, so shaun brought us to a little tea shop. which turned out quite nice as well.
connie and mizzy sharing menus, looking quite intelligent but me and shaun ended up choosing what we were to have.
me and connie ^_^
this is what we ended up gettting.
from the right: rose milk tea, some jelly thing osthomathus jelly or something, and cups ahaha
from the right: more cups GREEN TEA ICE CREAM WHICH WAS VERY NICE
and almond tea.
we spent more time talking and talking
oh, i got a shave for a cure form - NO i'm not shaving my head, just my er, facial hair ahaha anybody willing to sponsor me ?! ahaha i'll dye my hair as well !! ahah
connie's mum soon called her and we REALLy had to get going, it was still quite early, but by the time we got back, it'd b quite late.
so here we are, on the train
eddles was meant to be in the picture, but i was too much of a star ahaha jks
connie just sucked on the camera ahaha jokes hehe
this is us pretending to be sleeping ahaha you can tell from my smile i'm having a good dream =DD
that's it folks
hope everybody has a REALLY good holiday. make sure you do SOMETHING everyday, like, clean up, do some work, exercise MAKE IT PRODUCTIVE. watching 12 movies in a row i wouldn't call productive but do sOMETHING which you ALWAYS watned to do, ie read a book,write a song, LEARN a song, watever you do, remember to have fun doing it.
a special thanks to connie, mizzy and SHAUN who made my chatswood day very awesome. without them, i doubt i woulda had this much fun by myself ahaha
once again,
happy holidays!!
who's up for kayaking, or easter show, or beach, or cooking?!
i feel like having lots of fun these holidays =)
HAY chris (:
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about your maths class, quite the painful i must say. It's different back in maths4....
I like Nathan's laying egg photo. And the last one- where you look like you're drooling ;)
Last thing, still up for Korea after hsc ? My mum said I can go 8) Tourguide sy, taking you and Borbitch around (:
What flattering photos ;) and I'm glad you guys had fun.
ReplyDeleteNow we need to make the pms-ey person gay and all that. Show him some of our boobies and more of me underwear through the hole yes? ;)
ReplyDeletei should be up for a korea trip =)
tourguide sy better be MUCh better than connie the navigator >_< heh
HAHAHA, I duno if I'd be any good, considering it's been what, 8 years since I've been. And I can't really understand.. we're gonna get lost 8)
ReplyDeleteBut that's fun...
YAY! i don't mind getting lost
ReplyDeleteif we meet some krn gangsters in some strange alley, you'll protect me right? RIGHT? ahaha
you're gna need a FLAG and a whistoll and a really bright coloured shirt so i can see you ahaha
ReplyDeleteLoving the photos though ;D
Is a whistoll meant to be a whistle Bubbs? Just like how dunny was meant to be nutty ;D
ReplyDeleteForgot to say, my mum came in when I was reading your blog and said "Who is that old person? =|" and it was your face next to Connie's. So yeh :) Your facials aren't working.
I can't believe I didn't read about this until now. Lol. Aww I can't believe you guys had such a great time. I walked home and took photos of the bush. D: WTH IS THIS SPOON KISSING ;D I CRACKED UP WHEN I SAW THE PICS.
ReplyDeleteI wish i went.
(WTH SHAUN IS SO LOADED?) and btw I had $14.15 in my wallet.I checked when I got home, so thank goodness I didn't go. HAHA.
@ Belle -
ReplyDeleteahaha dwdw Mizzy only had 10 and connie had around 30 or something.
Shaun was only loaded this time..>_> ahaha
SPOON KISSING IS THE BEST - you've got to try it one day :P
and yes. you're coming next time.
Where in chatswood did you get the voodoo doll from?!!