Saturday, March 28, 2009

one week later

yes yes i'm blogging again.and i think i have a lot to say.

it's been one frkn heck of a week, 2 EXAMS EVERY DAY monday till thursday. it's what you get for doing jap and music - 4 exams for jap - two for music and then there was maths and stupid english >_<
crap - it think i've lost my touch on blogging xD
ah well.

MONDAY - monday was advanced english and ext jap speaking. english was okay - i was pretty happy after english - mainly cos the question wasn't too hard and i felt like i answered it - apparently st. louis is marking and she likes her questions answered =) i remember that stupid time when everybody lost a mark - except for michelle *rolls eyes* for not answering the question enough.

anyway, then - a foreboding dark cloud approached as the time neared for me to do ext jap speaking. at first - i was pretty relaxed - ahaha and even played putt putt golf with kelvin with this ball that we found in the passive area and a stick that he found in the garden ahaha. i think Kelvin was on -2 and i was on something worse - forgot whether negative was good or bad..bleh stupid golf ahaha - (everybody should look up Robin Williams - Gold on youtube ahha it's frkn hilarious - benny would know ;D)

hehe - so i was second - and shaun was first - ahha poor thing. and cos i didn't realise how frkn hard the test was gonna be - i still pretty jolly..until i saw the questions. IT WAS SO SPECIFIC -and in short, i can't give the questions away cos ppl haven't done it yet =__= lowcock gave us a lecture on how we shouldn't give away questions cos it lowers our rank as people can do SO much better knowing the question - true but kinda turns us against one another...

in short - it was hard. and i got 8/10 but that was only cos i was lucky i think - had to impromptu so much of the stuff - add in a many many eetto...etto...and ahahah whenever you go overtime (cos we were only suposed to talk for 2 minutes), sensei would constantly look at his watch and just stare at it - ahaha i just ignored him, but it was hard to cos he didn't seem to pay any more attention to me anymore =( and yes. ext jap = very difficult.
TUESDAY:maths ext 1 - ARGH i didn't get pieAB =( heh it was quite fun after the test tho - everybody in the common room preparing for music and some others like eddles was doing oh and nathan too. and i learnt about Gamites, or Gametes? i forget - but they're sex cells =D 

stupid eddles - i told him he should have studied more on gamites and sex cells and he just laughingly brushes me aside and says he'll own it anyway - so happens sex cells was in the bio test - SHOULD ALWAYS LISTEN TO ME =D or the coin ;)

speaking of the coin - me and eddles (mizzy as he likes to be called =__=), as indecisive as we were in the october holidays - could NEVER decide where to go and..need to think back on the coin story...well we would just flip a coin saying something like - if it's head we'll go, if it's tails, were going tennis. I REMEMBER THE STORY NOW!!!
GOSH - i remember - it was so frkn bad and mean... i ent gna talk about it heh, cos too many people read this blog xD - just to prompt mizzy if he reads this (parra 2nd bus, movies, dogged, rage  - then shaun and i finished all your icecream xP)

oh bother, how did i get to this,,oh yes. anyway

MUSIC THEORY - (apparently, mr wongsies said i already lost a few marks - 2U music probably ent gna count for me then - sigh** hopefully EXT music will be better scaling yay 100 UAI..NOT xD)
music theory - a lot of weird questions and i think i overprepared - cos i couldn't even fit half the notes i had on the two pieces onto the essay i had to write - and in general - it kinda sucked =( 

WEDNESDAY - ARGH EXT2 MATHS - I MISSED THE LAST PAGEE!!!! gar it was easiest one too - i also forgot how to do the integrate from 0 to pie on 2, cosx all over sinx plus cosx. turns out it's so frkn easy to do =__=

JAP EXT READING AND RESPONDING - GARRR cries* ahahah we prepared a lot again, watching the spirited away movie etc, couldnt' really do much cos after ext speaking, WE COULD BE ASKED ANYTHING.luckily - the responding was something we did in jap tutoring - hurrah for jap tutoring - i kinda feel really burnt out of jap though....


okay.lucy's (girl from jap tutoring) story
a friend of a friend of a friend ( i know..=__=) of hers was in a station quite late at night. she was catching the train to get home, and she sees these two girls sitting on one of those blue benches. she saw one of the girls, asleep and lying on the shoulder of the other girl and the other girl was sitting up quite straight, awake. 
She was about to sit down next to them, when suddenly she hears this voice behind her. turns out to be a security guard "hey missy, i think there's a problem with your ticket" and takes her to the security box. 

The security guard locks the door and tells her to look at the CCTV security camera and says "you see the girl lying on the other girl - i saw her get killed by that other girl" 

turns out the security guard potentially saved her from getting killed.

was it scary? gosh - apparently i suck at telling stories. i intend to improve at it xD mindy's quite good @ telling stories, so is lucy ahaha hmmm.. haha belle i heard the story about your dad proposing to your mum from mindizzle a.ka MC Hang ahaha anyone get it - heh apparently deva told her that - gosh he's so smart. dammit

anyway. wat was i on abt. 
meh jap ext - turns out to be okay. except I WROTE TOO MUCH!! ended up writing like 1000 ji in total i think. 
wednesday - goes home sleeps and rushes his ext 1 essay cos first draft got the comment "Reasonable - but needing some work" so naturally - i did some work on it =D but it's probably still reasonable. ahaha 

hmmm. THURSDAY - oh crap, i better start my 2U english soon. 

Jap speaking - that was alright - special thanks goes to kazuki for making me less nervous in front of the weirdly blue shirted lowcock sensei with skinny jeans on. 

after that, we studied for ext english essay - thanks shaun for editing mine =) ahaha and ahah alice -the tables outside the msuci room were wet from the rain on wednesday and what happened was, alice was sitting on the bench, not facing the table, and she leans back and places her hand on the table and says "Crap, I'm wet" and Kazuki, bursts out in laughter and we're like - er..did he..laugh cos she was wet? or for a totally different reason altogether.. anyway ahaha it was quite a fun little half an hour.

anyway, just came back from Earth Hour - i thought i would have lost all my blog - cos i accidentalyl swtiched off the computer - wtf people just switch off the lights and continue using electricity =___=

i forced everybody to turn off their computers/laptops and listen to my piano playing xD
and then we had a mini concert where Krystal sang Reflection from Mulan heh i tried to teach her how to play it on piano but frkn impatient girl - just gave up after trying to play it a few times gah.

anyway, ext 1 English - question was weird -watver, i did pretty badly ...hmmm i should post up some pictures, otherwise people gna say it's boring/blog is crap. well go read Aryan's


so, i woke up @ like 10.30 and i swear, i shouldn't sleep so much - i got really tired during the listening part of jap exam - i srsly dno why, i think i was concentrating too hard wen everyone was waiting for jane to finish physics and get to jap exam ahaha . or i used too much strength trying to close the window/open the window of the jap class room..heh.

anyway, jap. listening was quite muzukashii. and GAWSH lowcock wrote 2.15 finish time. and i was like. woah crap i don't hav much time - cos you know, teachers don't get their time wrong and i trust teachers - cos i don't really trust myself haha so i'm there, rushing my comprehension, listening passages, and writing GOSH - hope everybody wrote 3 passages, yoonface and shaunyporny only wrote 2 passages apparently - ....

so i'm here, rushing and swearing. rex is really rushing it too - and den 2.15 comes - okay times up. and we're like..wth sif i haven't even finished yet wtf and then mindy. our saviour. goes. no, we still have 25 minutes - Lee backs her up and then we realise YES WE HAVE 25 MORE MINUTES - but guess what, everybody rushed it soo much - unles you cross out a whole frkn page like rex did, there wasn't anything left to say!! gawsh!!! so i thought of new ideas, creative and awesome as i am and well - got pretty fustrated by the end. shucks to be me

anyway, get home and watch Jeff Dunham

HE'S SOO GOOD - the awesome comedian and ventriloquist - he's just hilarious - i can watch him forever heh =)

on a sadder note.

mummy left today for hk - it's still today cos she left @ 5am on an 8am flight to HK. i set the alarm for 5am and woke everybody up, except for alfie gor gor, to say goodbyes and stuff - was so tired, kept going back to sleep, in and out but eventually yes. got up and so tired, so watched tv with my sister until famiyl friend came and picked her up ahaha i was scared that there was gna b like naughty movies on so i was standing in front of the tv, shielding my sister from the violence...turns out Friends with Winnie and Tigger are on at that time, and so are all these american shows. 

the house is quite quiet now, a bit sad i guess, i've always kinda LEFT mum, going on camp, jap trip and stuff but she's never really LEFT i dno. it feels kinda weird. 

she has to go though, cos her health has gone quite bad, she needs to rest in hk so yep...=)

we're just all eating her left overs ahaha she bought all this food for us, and taught me how to start the car in case burglars came and we had to leave =DDDDD ahaha it was quite fun. considering i'm not allowed to drive and mum's alwasy like this. always thinks of the WORST ever case scenarios and ends up either buying lots of unnecesasry stuff - which comes into need after a while - cos sooner or later you're gna need humidifers, extra blankets, extra food, rice (when she heard 9/11 happened and thought there was gna b a war xD) and other stuff. xD i miss my mum.

enough abt that.

gna post some pictures...maybe.

KENDO - i beat one of the guys there. hehe NOT
they didn't let me in ahaha

hehe Puma = PUMAN - hehe there were all these funny shirts in the souvenir stores xD


this happened as Justin's jap buddy invited us for dinner - just me and him xD and it was kinda a buffet except you just keep ordering with a piece of paper, and tell them what you want and it just keeps coming was SOOO nice =)) they asked us if we ate kimchi and we're like...woah japanese ppl eat kimchi too?! ahaha 

My favourite city in Japan - Kyoto. it's beautiful and we rode on electric bikes and ahah they're soo fun - they give you a boost wen you're going up a slope or when you're kinda tired ahaha so good =) and they were pretty cheap too eheh


okay. i can't think of anythign else to say.

a big shout to kazuki if he reads this - thanks for coming to visit and please come back to Australia soon - eddison will miss you xD

night night. =]

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rumbly Tumbly

i never thought Winnie the Pooh would crack me up this much xD

this is quite good for procrastination xD

you would probably want to skip the intro a bit - it's kinda boring. but then actual cartoon is hilarious =]

happy studying !!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

NOTE: >=(

Due to the upcoming term 2 exams that are approaching as we speak,
i have temporarily retired from blogwriting until the end of exams. i will continue, however, to collect material to write about, after exams and especially after the speech thing after exams.

there will be NO blog today. 

just kidding. here's today's blog (underneath).

but like i said. yes EXAMS ARE FRKN COMING - so study and stop wasting time checking if my blog is updated or not xD

updates will have to wait till after exams. 

i apologise for any inconveniences caused. xP

yours sincerely,


the trouble with food is:

i just realised the reasons i may possibly have a "bubblebutt" as some may affectionately nickname it.

my mum went to town hall to see a doctor and she saw these cupcakes - $2 each i think, and they just looked absolutely beautiful. i seriously didn't want to eat them cos they looked so nice. i swear - if ever i get enough money - i'll make my own pastry and cake shop - and become a pastry chef ahaha how nice^_^

what happened in the common room at lunch:

eddy's giving me a death glare whilst nathan happily vandalises cheryl's folder.

eddy hides behind his bottle, nathan looks to...helena? for inspiration on how to grafiti cheryl's folder even more. cheryl is showing off her phone 

ARGH!! i'm getting owned by my 3U essay!! there's soo much to talk about in Shipping News and i can only write so much in 50 minutes? i think...sigh**

today was quite fun..i guess ahah i wish we had more music periods - i have so much fun in music. jap is sometimes a waste of time because people like kelvin keeps distracting me throughout the lesson - even wen i sit with Lee he comes along and asks if i have food..=___=

anyway, i'm quite tired, so today's blog is probably quite boring. sorry

nite nite

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

the day i got a new face.

*scratches head* what the hell, the one time i rage, and nobody says it sucks no more...
maybe i should rage me heh xD

I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL TODAY!!! well i did get a lot of work done and no, shaun i didn't break lent, almost did though XD jokes


1. Belle's itchiness..hmmm..sounds kinda weird when i say it. meh
2. KAZUKI WAS HERE!! OMFG i can't believe i missed it.
4. DOUBLE MUSIC (i only realised when i was looking to see what i had the next day)
5. YEAR MEETING (apparently i'm not applied for hsc yet..=(
6. MY FRIENDS ngaww. xD


2. HALF OF 3U ESSAY - i know, far out i kept watching procrastinating doing that.
3. 3U JAP WRITING for tutoring

as you can see, what i missed > what i did instead. but i slept a lot heh so i'm quite happy.

OH OH! actually what i missed => what i did.

you will never believe what i did for no. 6.


i wake up in the morning and have a good look in the mirror and i discover that some of my pimples on my face had disappeared! I WAS SO FRKN HAPPY ahaha. i reasoned that because of my energetic and totally exhausting run yesterday, the exercise must have balanced the equilibrium in my body, which was disorientated due to my excessive midnight blogging, stress of exams and Lent xD

as a result, i told my mum and she was like..hmmm maybe with a raised eyebrow, saying it was probably cos i slept better last night etc. 

ANYWAY, i was in the middle of doing my essays =__= when my mum comes and whispers in my ear:

"Do you want to get a facial" (PLEASE DON'T THINK DIRTY PLS =__=")
"Uh, now??"

so i followed my mum and she began to teach me how to do like this facial mask which is really nutritional for the skin and makes it really soft and bouncy like a baby's bum. xP

she tied my hair back with this massive elastic band thing, with a ribbon =__= and she began to place the facial mask on me. it felt rather cool, literally and she told me to make sure it stuck onto my face.

i came back downstairs and took some pictures xD

left it on for like half an hour but got owned cos i was meant to leave it on for longer. then my mum sprayed some ph santisizer, chem people can tell me wat that is, and yep =)

so my face should not only be sexier, but it should look younger too xP

OH! update, the fruit flies have disappeared yay! and i found this awesome keyboard cover, well i had it for a while, but i thought a picture of it would be nice to end the blog =)

My awesomely useful furigana

cute blue mouse with the net alert mouse pad that i got from school in year 5

wrist pad - it's a panda, but i've used it so often it's kinda squashed in the belly - still it was cute.

Song eyephones, i mean ear phones which far out.
SONY HEADPHONES that i bought in hk a while ago. 

last but not least, my awesome keybaord cover.



Monday, March 16, 2009


GAR i'm SICK and tired of people saying my blog sucks whatever.
i'm gonna frkn blog whatever i want and  i seriously don't blog to please everybody. 

i only started blogging because I read belle's blog. I mean seriously, sometimes you just need a place to rant and say what you really want to say in your life. Sometimes you get all this crap from your parents, or friends and you just wanna vent it somewhere.

i remember reading one blog by Belle where she started talking about how jazz ensemble started to suck. and it was cos people who weren't listening to Mr Wong (people who she loved, i might add) started talking and being REALLY rude whilst she was trying to learn her part @ jazz. and i was really struck. i was literally =O because i was partly @ fault for her not enjoying her time @ jazz, i was depriving her of her time which she sacrificed so we can perform well as a group. and, i'm sorry to bring this up, Belle, and even more sorry that i made that afternoon suck for you.

you're seriously welcome not to read it. i can't please everybody with what i say. just like not all books written by the same author have the same entertaining material; nor the same director producing the same great movies. and i'm definitely not one of the above. 

On a happier note, I GOT INTO ZONE CROSS COUNTRY!!! YAY!! ahaha first time that i ever got into Zone LEGALLY xD when i told alfred he was like. SIF!! ahaha and i was like..i'm serious and he said, then your grade @ ruse must really suck >_< zone =")">

i remember the last time i got into zone was cos i went into a younger age group, only one year, mind you and soon after i got in, i wrote some letter saying i had a piano exam on that day so i couldn't attend. i didnt wanna get into trouble for going in the wrong race. xDD

i THINK this is the order which everybody came...correct me if i'm wrong.

1. EDDISON (AGE CHAMPION heh too bad, ruilong, aim for city to surf)
3. GONG? 
9. don't know
10. don't know

not quite sure of some but yep ^_^

spot the odd one out!  


spotting for Ruilong's white hairs. apparently he starts getting dandruff before exams, cos of the stress D: 

it's DAN! ahaha 

IT'S THE AGE CHAMPION! finally got a picture of eddles XD

PS i'm very tired. and sick. and sore. so i'm not going to school tomorrow.

nightnight =]

Sunday, March 15, 2009



watch the movie. it's very sweet and a bit corny but i forgot that i had to do my english essay for 9 minutes and 15 seconds =) oh and one more.

this is what i'll be performing for my hsc music extension ensemble piece.

i'm gonna b playing the blond girl's part.

just a side note: MR WONG is in love with the blond girl. her name is Gabriella Montero and every music class we tease mr wong about her =DD and after HSC we're gna go to her concerts and something like this is gna happen:

Mr Wong: Gabriella, can you please sign this CD for my students? they really like you and are great fans.

Gabriella: oh no problems. *signs*

Mr Wong: just wondering, would you like to come to our school to do a workshop on improvisation? I think my kids would love it if you could do one for them.

Gabriella: oh i'll think about it. can you leave some details? *mr wong squeals with delight*

Mr Wong: sure ;) 

anyways xD

this was like my childhood favourite mandopop song. at that time, i thought the girl singing was really cute ^_^ and it's a nice duet =D

anyway that's all from me today.
i'm off to practice piano =)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

fruit basket


was yesterday's blog really that bad..

eddy: "that sucked" 

far out! we haf all these weird insects in our house now:

we haf this fruit basket where we keep all the fruit and i think; cos my mum buys LOTS of fruit and never has time to finish half the fruit lols. the story kinda goes like this:

the fruit basket is next to alfred's computer (my cousin) and he starts sniffing around with his keen nose and smells something quite strange. at first he thought it was his feet ROFL! and then he realised that he could smell it even after he took a shower. so he asks me, and i haf a sniff and nup.. couldnt' smell nothing.
THEN. we started noticing some weird flies, small ones, mind you flying around. at first, it was like one or two, and i kiilled them with my super fast reflexes of course =) 
and THEN, we started to investigate the source of the flies, and i rummaged through the basket and WHOOF ALL THESE flies come out and i go on a clapping spree, trying to catch as many flies as i could in my hand. and then i rummaged more and i found this kinda rotten mandarin thing? it was quite gross. i was gna take a picture but then alfred sarcastically commented 
"oh you gna put that on your blog now?" so..i decided not to xD

that's my little story today.

nighty night.

Friday, March 13, 2009

the big butt theory

okay. first things first.

SHAUN'S BIG BUTT THEORY IS NOT CORRECT. it's outrageous, presposterous and totally nonsensical. "small butt - big penis, big butt - small penis" who on earth would have thought of that kinda crap. shaun - wishful thinking is never gna get you anywhere =)

o riteo. 
my day today was..eurgh, quite gay at times, and awesome at times. 

anyway, cos i told my injections last night, i felt really really tired this morning and couldn't get outta bed, so in my dreams, i told myself to roll, just roll and you'll b able to wake up. and in my dream i THOUGHT i rolled, but it wasn't until my dad woke me up the second time or third..i don't remember, that i realised that i was still in the middle of my queen size bed and i hadn't budged a bit. 

ooh, if i get bored one day, i'll blog up my dreams. shaun knows a few of them, so does nathan and a couple of people who i tell in the morning.  

anyways, got outta bed and ARGH. i hate having bei mun gum (canto for like runny nose in the morning which makes you crinkle your nose every three seconds. eddy would know, always owns me for doing it, especially wen maths is the first period and all i do is sniff and wrinkle my nose)

well, cos src had to collect presents for the 50th anniversary fete. and omg it was so heavy and i think my arms got a bit thicker after carrying all that. and FAR OUT SY'S FRKN GOLF BOOK was so heavy!! gawsh, could frkn kill somebody with that book. at least i think it was golf. 
well. being santa claus was quite fun ^_^

in JAPANESE! i learnt from kelvin (fathead) of all the different kinds of fats and proteins, calories what i can burn what i should keep, what i don't need to eat. and i pretty much got turned off eating food for .....5 minutes? heh and den i grabbed a lamington and came up with the resolution in the beginning of my blog - i'm gna work it all off in x-country =DDD

heh, anyway, i think i'm talking too much.
MUSIC EXT. CLASS WAS FUN. listened to many different concertos ladida and then i practiced piano in the lecture theatre. 

okay, i'm gna skip to jazz ensemble recording cos pretty much the rest of the day after lunch was quite er.  zzzzzzzzzzz

we started recording our songs today and it was like AWESOME. ahaha we kept hearing kelly's voice wen we rewinded the recording and played it again and yeah heh xD
hmmm oh ahaha MICHAEL LIUSER- geez didn't freaking bring a video camera and so we had to use his frkn phone. ahaha but it was fun. 

i don't know why, but whenever i'm @ jazz ensemble, i just can't stop moving around and smiling, it's just so frkn fun and heh, no stupid eddy or nathan to giv me weird looks that look quite like =__________=" bubbles. what the hell are you doing. 

yeah. that's my day. =) not as exciting as the days before. so i'm quite sorry if you got bored.


oh, go look up on the net. ahaha they're so frkn creative, ingenious ideas to fool people heh. there's this dead bird one though....and it's just awesome to see the look on people's faces ahaha i'd b totally freaked out if i go to the toilet and some guy is inside the toilet? and opens the lid and starts going BLEEHEHIAOJEIJAJ LOL see if you can find that one.

i'll see if i can find some interesting photos of japan =)

we had this AMAZING RACE challenge in japan trip and the winner gets like 1000 aus dollars or something, but they kinda downgraded it cos you know, that's a bit too much. well it's for the GROUP - ie you form groups of three, out of the total 40 people and yeah, compete. and one of the challenges was to find the MOST expensive fruit. this barely won it, there was some fruit in SOGO which was like. at least 120 aus dollars?

the rock melon here is about 29.80 AUS

heh, interesting shirt we found @ uh..some shop ahaha this is in hiroshima and there's this MASSIVE shopping arcade, like it's a street with many underground, upperground watever shops, kinda like the eastwood arcade, but MASSIVE. and yeah..heh found this.

and in japan, there's this place called ROUND 1 and it's like multiple levels and it's just this AMAZING ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE.

karoake, bowling, table tennis, like all these sports arenas simulation places, GAMES, MANGA, did i mention karoake? heh, LOADS OF STUFF could spend HOURS in there, snooker, it's frkn amazing and yeah, we spent like..hmmm..4 hours in there? from around 7-11 and it was pretty much for free. FOR FREE, well you need membership, but it was included in our expenses. very awesome place to spend a night. 

some photos of the place, inside:

me and my sexy legs ;)

table tennis where ball comes out and you gotta smash it and get points for where it lands, the thing is, we kept killing the balls, and wells ahaha we ended up only being able to use 5 of the like 20 balls ahaha, cos me and steve kept smashign them with our superior strength ;) heh 

drums game. on tv we saw some show where the guy is trying to get some girls to go on a date with him and it's like in those japanese shows, so the guy shows off by doing some tricks on the drums game which every japanese influenced person would know and he would show off by turning around like justin does and hitting them without looking heh.

kick boxing simulation game.

putt putt golf INDOORS. ahaha this is just josh posing heh =)

OKAY. hope this was interesting enough. i'm off to bed.


Thursday, March 12, 2009




Very sorry guys for the delay of my blog. I know you guys have been er anticipating my blog ><


That is my first rant today. Everybody’s been saying wat a big butt you have etc but gosh. I DON’T WANT A BIG BUTT. To share a little secret, I re

ad in this forum/girls guide book that girls check out guys butts,
and I was thinking, well, I kinda wish I had a firm butt..heh. mayb I’d be able to get lucky. And what I got instead..was a MASSIVE ONE. So please be careful what you wish for, cos you just might get it. Gosh, I think shaun sings a song with something like that in the lyrics..cos it sounds awfully familiar.

Oo, I decided to go and do some research on how to make my butt smaller, and this is my findings.

Okay. Gna make my rant about today shorter..cos I seri

ously gta memorise my Japanese stuff.

Today = BUTT BUTT BUTT. Couldn’t even watch a soccer game properly without people pulling out their cameras and taking photos.

.far out.



SION. Today, we were watching the spirited away again. YAY! I love watching it, it’s so awesome everytime and I realize new stuff that I didn’t see before and well, heh, it’s a good movie =). We got different food today, on top of the usual um, snacks ie. Biscuits and watnot,

 today we also got HOT FOOD. YAY. Like pastry, party pies and stuff and I just realized how much belle frkn eats. And what the hell I DON’T SEE HOW SHE DOESN’T GET A FAT BUTT. I mean, haven’t checked it out yet, but I’m pretty sure her butt, well, ent as firm and curvy as mine. >__< *cries again*


I could not believe how into the game I was. I was like..cheering, shouting and jumping up and down every time they scored. Or was CLOSE to scoring hehe. Michael li got NUTTIED I think heh, sorry I had to point that out cos a special incident happened where I made a mistake in my speech. 

Sigh* geh, I don’t like typing on word, I’m currently using word blogpost to type it up and somehow it just doesn’t seem as real..hmmm..okay I zoomed in a bit and somehow it’s better heh I just don’t like all the green and red lines on what I do I turn it off..=__=. Watevs

Special mention cos to DREW!!! WHO WAS VERY AWESOME TODAY. SWAMI AS WELL =) you were my hero xD And to justin, Gabriel, ben, chrishan and funny mentions goes to Michael choi – omgosh there was this AWESOME pass which I think ben gave to him and it was like..really good but he choked and stuffed 

up..gaarr.. heh yoonface was like..stupid Michael choi, I’m gna tell him off later. Anyway, KELVIN. Omg such a stupid face. Tells everybody to go watch his game and then he does all these air swings LOL heh but he’s a good friend who gives me honest comments about my Japanese writing.

Hmmm okay. Back to where I was before everything got deleted. Actually, I think I’ll just WRITE on the blogspot thing and then wen I haf to load pictures and stuff, I’ll just use the document thing to place it and stuff, easier, I think.



1.  my dad drove grubsy back home and we all went in cos quite evidently, grubsy wanted to show off his grand piano. Which was actually quite nice.

First though, some pics.


Nigger Krissy’s shoes..looks quite ew. Heh no offence Krissy.

Back view.

Okay, krissy’s shoes was NOT what made Wednesday awesome heh

Now, grusby’s grandpiano pictures heh

He’s loving it, and the piano looks really nice too,

Okay, I’m gna bitch abt his piano now. His top range is VERY  NICE, almost like the sparkling sound which you can hear from like a waterfall. That was a kinda weird metaphor to say, but it has a very clear sound. His MIDDLE RANGE, on the other hand, starts to get quite muffled and is only good for light chords. The LOW RANGE is even more muffled but I guess it’s good for jazz piano. Therefore, Richard’s piano is good for jazz =) oo I loveeee the piano legs. Looks very classique and regal

What’d I say? They’re much better looking than the ones that look like rectangular prisms ><

Last but not least, grubsy’s face =) which constitutes entirely to the awesomeness of the piano – see how nice I am to you Richard. You can stop calling me a fatass in maths now ^__^

After that, hmmm I went to chatswood cos I needed to see a dermatologist – obviously if you have a look @ my face, despite the handsome features, I seem to have slighted the king of pimples and he has sent some minions to attack my cheeks, my neck AND my yeah haha I went to this place in chatswood and had this doctor called Margaret Tam. Dr. Margaret Tam, sorry. And SHE CALLED ME MR AU!!! Ahaha I loved it, she was calling me out, and she was like. MISTERRR AUU?? Ehh =DDD  she’s a VERY Good doctor, so frkn fast and efficient. First thing she does it okay. Show me your back, okay, you got severe acne, that looks bad, I’m gna subscribe you to this but you gta ask your rheumatologist first if your Enbrel or Methotrexate will clash okay, take this, this and this and take a blood test. Book an appointment in two weeks see you then. I was like..=O OMG never seen such an awesome doctor.

Then, because of my blood tests and other tests which only shaun is allowed to know about xD, I met shaun @ Gloria jeans and we went to hav dinner..

EXCEPT! SHAUN DECIDED NOT TO BRING ENOUGH MONEY FOR US TO HAVE A GOOD MEAL, so we went to some underground HK fastfood place and had dinner there. it was cheap, and stupid shaun spilt tea on himself, FIRST THE DOG POO NOW THE TEA, GEEZ SHAUN XD

See the tea glass on the left? That would be knocked over in approximately 3 minutes and 33 seconds. I rkn pictures are awesome, videos too, it’s like you record a section of time and you can replay it and I don’t’ know, it’s very awesome. I love taking photos =)

And this was the place where we ate. It’s quite nice, they subscribed to TVBJ and so we watched some martial arts kung fu drama ahaha and I LOVED IT ehehe I love the kung fu style where they all fly around with special lights firing everywhere and they climb trees, and fight in the middle of nowhere 50 metres above the ground =)

THEN, WE WERE IN A HURRY. Haha because of my blood tests and other tests, we had to have dinner REAL quick and run to the train station. LUCKILY, omg I don’t’ believe how lucky we were, we never missed any train and always got onto a train in less than 5 minutes and we were off. Nevertheless, because of my love for taking photos @ circular quay ahah, we kinda missed the first little section of the Meet the Music concert.

Quite beautiful isn’t it, fine, it’s not REALLY but I don’t know, I jus love being near the water and seeing big buildings that are like at least 2 times my height. MAN I WISH I COULD GROW – 180 cm =) I’d b pretty happy if I was 180 cm I think I’d hav a smaller butt too – my body would be more proportional I think =)

Sydney opera house =]

Sydney opera house again, if you look closely, you can see shaun in front of me telling me to fkn hurry up and stop taking photos. =(

Anyway, the concert was AWESOME. Lots of baroque music sung by the ST. Thomas Boys choir and there was a soprano who was quite pretty xD mizzy might b interested heh but ANYWAYS, he already has mrs mizzy, grandma mizzy and mr mizzy heh actually, mizzy I’d like to be mizzy junior =) sounds more like me.

Sorry for the blurry photo, not supposed to take photos in the concert hall, but it was the end of the concert and I thought I’d take a few sneak peeks heh =]

AFTER THAT. WE WENT TO GUYLIAN CAFÉ!!! IT WAS SOOOO GOOD. Gna load a few images here to let you guys see how awesome it was.


Yay! Guylian café – if I could tag, I would tag. I might post it on facebook so mr wong can see himself. Heh I loved the café, it was such an awesome place to be in, and the stuff, yes expensive but REALLY NICE =)

Yay!! I’m in the photo too!! Hehe the lighting in the café was really weird and my camera just didn’t make it look very nice ahhaa ah wells, my face still looks quite nice though ehhee

Mr best: oh Christy let me take the photo for you
Christy: hmmm?
Mr Best: c’mon Patrick, take a photo with this lovely young woman
Mr Wong: oh okay ;) heh

Notice mr wong’s waffles – they were actually quite nice =)

My hot chocolate, served with a piece of guylian chocolate. IT WAS SO NICE eheh they had a piece of chocolate in the cup and we had to pour the hot chocolate into the cup heh. Okay I know most of you have tried it before, but I don’t know, simple things like these really make me happy cos heh =)

WHAT ME AND SHAUN HAD. From the chocolate one in the top right hand corner, working anticlockwise: vanilla, hazelnut, pistachio and yeh chocolate heh=) IT WAS REALLY GOOD heh, it melted kinda fast though. Oh that reminds  me, shaun told me this theory: if they giv you big spoons, then the ice cream is small, if they giv you SMALL spoons, then the ice cream is gna b massive heh. I totally didn’t know that, and I was amazed at how true it was. =D thanks shaun ehhe

Last but not least, POSERS =D heh


That’s it for my blog today. I’m dead tired and I spent a HOL HOUR BLOGGINg. Gawsh. Hope you enjoyed it…I don’t know if this is still interesting if it’s so frkn long ahaha I’ll try blog every day so I wouldn’t’ hav to blog SOO MUCH every day.

Wells =)
