Monday, March 9, 2009

can't find my bag


okay, whoever took the tie from around the staircase in last period - it's mine ='( i know it hasn't got my name on it, but WHO PUTS THEIR NAME ON THEIR TIEs - it's stays on your neck, you don't take it off, unless people like nathan yank it off, so why would you need a name tag. speaking of tags, the tag's gone from the tie as well. pls return it so i don't have to borrow from thea accounts office =(

is it just me, or is english 2U and 3U very hard...i really don't like finding quotes, can never relate them properly to what i say and because my discussion is based upon the quotes i've found, it's not a good discussion because i'm not actually using the quotes to SUPPORT my discussion, i'm using my discussion to support to quotes >_<


oo, on a happier note,

everybody watch Seven Pounds. if you're like, looking for a movie which is just not a stupid/horny romantic comedy film like Zack and Miri make a porno (which is pretty funny btw) but seriously if you want a movie which really makes you think, about how to live your life as a person and to cherish every moment that you have alive. this is a good movie. 
BEWARE: it makes you quite emo xDD i went to bed crying my eyes out NOTT eheh

hmm school was okay. OMG I HATE, well i REALLY dislike (the word 'hate' is a bad word, imo) the way that the sofas in the yr 12 common room are placed. it juss seems as if the surface area at which we can put our butts on have dimiished and there's even less hope of finding a seat.. sigh* we should get a rug. a nice (regularly vacuumed) rug or something that people can sit on so people like the girls wouldn't have to sit on the carpet cos all the guys had taken the sofas xD

i kinda ran outta stuff to say. 

ICHIGO'S GNA DIE ROFLs  gar, it's annoying wen you read manga weekly and you find out something tragic has happened and you gta wait a WHOLE week to know whether your predictions, fears are correct. that's why i'm not conforming anymore. i'm gna wait AGES, probably until exams finish and in the holidays, read all the manga i've missed out on HAWHAWHAWR - good plan yes?

CRAP it's geting late, gta do maths. 

Mr Wong, if you're reading this, which i found very wow =O shock heh, we should do performance more often, cos i found it quite fun to hear other people playing, and this way we could actually help - by commenting etc. i've always wanted to experience a master class - margaret keeps talking about how awesome it is and i wanted to try it. so thanks =)

gosh, alfie keeps looking @ cosplay and it's distracting me from my maths. some of the pics are quite raunchy, mind you ;)



  1. Wait. WHAT MR WONG?! HAHA HI MR WONG! I AGREE WITH THE SOFAS. I sit on the ground alot because we have alot of ungentlemanly men in the room 8-)


  3. "it juss seems as if the surface area at which we can put our butts on have dimiished "

    it's only cus your ass is getting bigger.

    that is all i have to say on my first trip here (:
