Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wake Me Up

Today must have been one of the most tiring days this week.

If anyone finds Shaun and my Mario and Luigi Karts, please return to us, it's very very precious to us and we really want them back.

Last found: in Senior Common Room (with a few wheels missing :P)
Reward: one of the wheels xD

speaking of which, I think I left my jumper and burberry scarf in the Hall yesterday when I was taking photo for Jazz Ensemble, I really hope I haven't lost it, I tried looking for it today, but the Hall was locked :(

A shout to Richard for teaching me the piano/violin part in the introduction of I Want You Back (Jackson 5) It was indeed-idly quite tricky and my sense of rhythm is quite terrible, so thank you very much, Grubsy

So after Jap Ext, my dad has a talk with Lowcock sensei, I go outside and take a peep @ the prefects practicing, not much I could see though haha apart from Cheryl, Connie and others dancing. people were playing basketball ! D:

Anyways, I go home, watch Communitychannel's new video (quite good :P) and I limp off to bed. I hear my father call out for dinner, but I pretend to be asleep as I usually do. I hate it how whenever I try to get some sleep, it's always around dinner time or someone calls and totally disrupts my sleepiness.

So I fall asleep and I suddenly hear this hissing sound, saying the most random random thing ever: at first I could not hear what it was saying, but then I hear "50 Messages, 50 Messages" being hissed like by a snake or something! I tried to move around but I found that I couldn't, and then I think I experienced something like a coma; cos I keep telling myself to move, but nothing would happen, wake up!! but I wouldn't. Finally, something within me clicks and i finally awaken.

Scary isn't it? It made me thought of all the people in comas. Can they actually hear and sense most things, but just can't react properly with the outside world? Doctors tell the patients' visitors to talk to the patients, try to get them to wake up, they say. They say their brain is somewhat active, but their body is not connecting with it or something. Body fatigue? I'm not sure, I don't do Biology. I heard that a woman was in a coma and they started playing some of her favourite songs on a CD player and within days, she woke up!

Yes i know I promised Jay Chou blog :P but I need to practice for tomorrow's Prefect's Assembly (yay! i get a VnR XD) and I need to memorise Jap, finish Logbook for composition.

Mayb next time :P



    Bubble Trouble on the Double
    Was so tired and into sleep he stumbled.
    Was told a message by a snake,
    And now young Bubbles is wide awake!

  2. XDXD

