My only regret is that I missed out on a funfun session of Jazz Ensemble, but apparently some people lacked committment and it ended early anyways, so I guess I didn't miss out on much =D
OH YES. For those who don't know, I GOT A NEW CAMERA! *yay* it's not a crazy DSLR or anything, but it's a pretty good camera, Canon, and it's Gold!!

it doesn't really look Gold in the picture but it's a it's quite a light Gold, with a tinge of Bronze. Either way, it took really nice photos of us @ school and Friday happened to be Mufti Day! ( 3rd of July) I shall share some of these lovely photos with you all =D:
Very funny photo this one - haha Alan the Turdface with Topher the Sofa from Casanova (that's the best I can think of hehe) not as good as Bubble Trouble on the Double i guess :P haha
So we're talking outside in the sun and suddenly, Eddison drags me in to the common room with an urgent look on his face. Turns out he wanted me to capture the moment of Tom playing Minesweeper :P haha it would have been better if it was full screen haha (hardcore nerd :P)
Krissy eating his noodles :) Nathan was blowing spitballs from a straw using newspaper and Eddison mentioned how funny it would be if one of them landed in his soup. And guess what? haha one actually does and Krissy gets mad "What's this stupid piece of paper doing in my soup? >=(" XD
Groupie: haha Shaun looks very squashed there haha props to Bosco for taking the photo :P
Eddy and I thought of this idea when Eddy was checking to see if Sy or someone was coming up the stairs and I went under him, to see and we were like: hey lets' take a photo of that haha and this is what turned out ! =D
I'm going to skip the 'after lunch' time period because this is when we all got our 4U maths mark back :( haha well at least I didn't come last again ! hehe
sigh** need to improve!! should be doing maths, not blogging! Man, I should never ask Grubsy how much work he's done, he's always done SOO much and it makes me feel like poop; shouldn't ask Eddy either. Or maybe I should just do more work instead :)
Then, after school, Shaun and I travelled to Turramurra!!! It was my first time there, and I certainly got many looks from other people. Well, I WAS wearing like a gold jacket and a bright shirt - it was to see Jay Chou in but I guess the people at Turramurra (mainly retired, Babyboomers, at most Generation X) didn't appreciate my sense of fashion. So i decided to pretend to be Shaun's exchange student from Japan or something haha and I started speaking Japanese to Shaun and that got even MORE looks, so I just took off my jacket and shut up :P
the lovely suburb/city of Turramurra, the gardens are quite pretty on one side, but on the other side , haha apprently that's not the case. It so happens that when I got off, I was facing the prety gardens so immediately I had a pretty good impression of Turramurra (except for the people who kept giving me weird looks - stupid asians haha XD)
another shot of the garden, actually is it really a garden? it's more like a mini park. i don't know. :( NEXT UP:
DINNERRRRR!!!! i convinced Shaun that i would not be full unless I ate some kinda of meat. He was going to give me vegetarian!! no way :P lamb and beef were out of the question so I had to do wtih Tandoori Chicken - which was fantastic btw. (pictures coming up)
So we waited in the gourmet pizza store and the door happened to be open and the wind happened to be blowing and we happened to sit right next to the door; so yes we were freezing our butts off - luckily it wasn't a very long wait and we got our pizzas.
I decided I was not going to be full enough, so I went to Michel's Patisserie (however you spell it) and bought a pie. Now a VERY SNEAKY serving lady awaited me. She asked me if I would like tomato sauce with that and I said yes, thinking that she was going to squeeze some on top of the pie. She asked me if I wanted anything else, and I was there thinking, well what else would I have with pies? Sugar? no. That would be enough thanks. Now the pie was 2.30 and so I got the money out and suddenly, she asks for 2.80 and I was like, huh? i didn't get the Beef Steak Pie...and turns out the tomato sauce costed 50cents! wt hell. luckily I didn't say I wanted barbeque sauce and mustard with my pie, it wasn't free. dammit. sneaky Turramurra people :P haha
Anyway, I got over it, my pie was warm and i was hungry, who cares. but our pizza was getting cold! so we hurriedly walked back to Shaun's house which luckily wasn't too far away, otherwise I'd be too tired to take shots of his house and neighbourhood :P
If you turn left at the start of the curve to the left, it's close by. It was starting to get dark, so we were lucky that his house was rather close!
oh, I forgot to mentiont that Shaun took me to a music shop in Turramurra, forgot the name but there were no PIANOS! :( haha instead, lots of guitars, amps, electronic equipment for those interested and even a recording studio! it looked all nice and all, with all the buttons and lights but it almost looked like a scene from Doctor Who's spaceship TARDIS
His house, or shouuld I say Townhouse, is somewhere inside. It looked quite nice, not like a mansion or anything, but I wouldn'd mind living in a townhouse; somewhere small and cosy before I moved to my beachhouse mansion hehe XD
OUR DINNER. forgot to take a picture of it when it was complete - too hungry haha. So this is the best I had. It was very yummy hehe Props to Shaun for giving me more pieces cos "I needed it" hahaha XD
Shaun's room. I loved his soft toys but didn't dare touch them they might all fall down and I'd have to fix it up. he spent 3 hours cleaning up his house so it'd be presentable to me - his mum told Shaun to tell chris to come over more so their house would be cleaner more often XD
SO we get ready for the concert and Shaun's dad comes home. He's a pretty cool guy, and has a voice of that guy in Jeung Moon Yan (a Canto game show) - sounds like the really short guy

the guy in red. He's one of the funniest, outspoken guy in HK TV. He's appeared in lots of films and game shows, constantly insulting people hehe but laughing it off. He's especially known for his high voice, short stature and comical appearance. Shaun's dad sounded like him :P
SO OFF WE WENT in shaun's car. We got there and it was FREEEZZING! BRRR :P it was seriously quite cold and shaun's attire was not enough to keep him warm, so.. we took some luvos :P
I'm looking quite warm - snowman and Shaun's like a quarter of the space I take up on the camera :P
Me posing in front of Acer Arena. I look quite tall in this photo =D *smug*
Then we walked in, showed them our tickets. Their ticket machines were ones that you just shove the barcode into the scanner but I kept trying to shove my whole ticket in and that caused a bit of trouble :P Moreover, they were checking our bags for food/drink and they found my water bottle. AND THEY POURED ALL MY WATER AWAY. BOOO! of course i'd buy your food/drink in acer arena but there's soo many people, and the people serving aren't enough for the people going in! how can you expect us to just stay hungry/thirsty for so long, waiting in line! geez and the prices were ridiculous. 4.50 for a bottle of lift! GARR. rip off
but my anger receded when i saw THIS!
yeah i don't know what it is either, but the photo oppurtunity made me happy again. =D
then we strolled off the buy some merchandise. I should not have brought so much money!! i spent 50 bucks ! haha on a figurine, a t-shirt and a keychain. oh and a glowstick too :P
I go a bit crazy with money sometimes :(
merchandise shop ~! there were SOO many people there waiting. this stuff is probably mostly made in china and overpriced but i was in the mood for food..but couldn't get any so I got this instead. :S
and SO we walked in the get our seats. In the doorway, there were people handing out clapsticks. The thing was, I thought they were handing out tissues cos it was all deflated and looked like a small packet of tissue (the freebie ones they usually give out) so i was wondering where EVERYONE got their clapsticks. Then shaun knowledgeably told me that I had to blow them up. Now I feel bad for stealing that guy's clapstick :(
teehee, the most flattering picture of the night - shaun blowing up his clapstick. we were supposed to use straws to blow them up, but the straws were soo small (like Alan's PEE PEE) so it was quite hard. Eventually they worked.
Me blowing up my clapstick.
Now to give everybody a look at how amazing our free seats were! Ours were considered VIP, the next up from the Mosh pit and even then the mosh pit was divided to many sections, with the most expensive being up to $1200 i think. as if you would spend that much. But jay was quite hot ;) very irresistible teehee
This was without zooming in with my camera, so, you can see it was pretty good. The stage is at the left.
eurgh, a very blurry picture of the stage...
As you can see, it's like a 'H' shape rotated clockwise 90 degrees. So there's this little path way for him to talk up loser to the front stage and to the right and left of the pathway are the most expensive 'seats'. It's like the intense mosh pit where you see everyhting up close. But the thing was, most of the time he was front stage, so all you see is really his butt. so wth. better to be in front of the frontstage imo.
yep it's abt to start soon! i can tell cos there's finally people sitting around me. we were SOO worried (well I was) that Jay would get a realy bad attendance - mainly cos Shaun said that it was organised really really badly and that not many people knew abt it and they had to give many many free tickets away. Luckily, it was very full and there were only like a few spare seats, not that many.
let me give you an idea of how packed it was
and show you some pictures of his concerttt :
It was incredibly hard to take good pictures of the stage - so hard to focus when they're moving around so much and the slow synchro flash mode on my camera was fantastic but took some time, and in that time, they had already did some crazy dance move :(
The lighting on the stage also determined how good the image quality was. Depending on the lighting, say for example, warm yellow is the best best, it takes a good picture everytime, white lighting would make it quite blurry, can't see the facial expressions and some others like Red and Purple create different effects.
(btw they were tap dancing I think - leading to some song where Jay comes in =D)
yellow = good picture. Generally quite clear, apart from the stupid clap stick that intruded the lovely picture :P. They were doing robot dance. Jay is in the middle, rapping and to his left, is like another rapper and to his left is the 'robots' that did some cool dance moves :)
My favourite girl of the show. The strippers I will show you later were absolutely disgusting. Her name is Lara, part of the Nam Quan Ma Ma band which Jay helped to form, writing some songs for them. She is half American, half Taiwanese, with quite an accent in her Mandarin (still better than my Mando probably - at least they could understand her) - she spoke English to us, with a bit of Mando here and there. And her voice, damn it was good. It completely outshined the guy she was singing with - he needs help. really. but she was awesome, and they were singing a duet called Wu Ding (Rooftop) there.
Jay Chou on the piano and mind you, it's not just an ordinary piano, it's a GLASS piano XD it doesn't look like glass from the photo, cos of the light that's going through it, but it's glass - not sure if it's an actual piano or just an electric one but wow. amazing. And what was even more amazing was, it appeared from a platform underground. So before his song, the platform moved down to Downstage haha and they l oaded up the piano, along with the man himself and then it rose up, revealing him playing the piano. What an entrance! =D
And he sang the most beautiful beautiful songs on this piano - and played well. quite okay too =)
then you have the sluts who touched Jay. I mean, seriously, no offence to them, but I'd much rather them clothed properly, and doing a proper dance with their hands to themselves. It was unnecessary - made the night worse.
what also made the night a slight drag was this:
they had a whole acoustic thing, where a line of guitarists would play a song, except they didn't sing Jay's songs, only one of them was Jay's and most of the people zoned out. Luckily, Jay realised this and then stopped it half way and got on to the rest of the show ! =D smart man, could tell bubbles wasn't interested in boring old acoustic mando pop :P
However, the worst highlight of the night:
were even more whores and disgusting Thai-looking girls doing some kinda half striptease/half latin dance routine:
The song was good, pretty good, but totally killed by these girls (in red) if you can see them, who danced quite badly imo, then went to front stage to do some dance solo, whilst Jay went off to pee or change clothes. It was quite horrifying. I covered my eyes. That's saying something. Then, one of the girls got excited by the audience in the little gaps between the "H" shape and started rolling on the ground and eurgh!
don't ask me how i know, I was supposed to be covering my eyes XP
I have to say, Jay is actually quite talented. In the concert alone, he played the drums (very well, had some drum battle with the main drummer), the Guzheng, Piano. He danced lots, can't say it was fantastic but it was alright, he played guitar. And word has it he can play Cello and the ErHu (the chinese violin) and many others :P

I'm just putting a good word for him :) hehe
Wels, that's my Jay Chou Concert Blog! I actually took almost 8 gigs worth of videos that night haha, but i cbb posting up a video. Gta get some work done!
Happy Holidays everyone!
They gave away so many free tickets. Virtually anyone who works in the city could get their hands on some. How did you guys get yours?
ReplyDeleteMy sister wanted me to go with her but I didn't want to waste more of her money and told her if she wanted to waste money that much to take me out to dinner. She's taking me out next week ^^
LOL oopsy. dammit I even looked it up on Wiki for the right spelling and I still get it wrong XD
ReplyDeletethanks RETARD :)
the guys called eric tsang. he's so good in movies
ReplyDeletewhy chris why oh why oh why.
ReplyDeleteYour first concert must be of utmost importance; one to remember; a concert where everyone appreciates the singing, the atmosphere etc; where the music is good.
And i can't believe you lost your 'concert-ginity' to jay chou =(
Whoa, huge post dude. Nice pictures.
ReplyDeleteHey is the ErHu the thing that the two assassins use in Kung Fu hustle to chuck ghost swords and stuff?
NEED TO POST AGAIN! My word verif was "farke"
ReplyDeleteahh you fobby foo! :)
ReplyDeletesounds like you really had a great time! Twins was boring as =_=;
and i can't believe you're calling me the lardass when obviously you're hte one with the larger appetite . HAHA
im going next yr. >=( and hopefully getting free tix.