Very sorry guys for the delay of my blog. I know you guys have been er anticipating my blog ><
That is my first rant today. Everybody’s been saying wat a big butt you have etc but gosh. I DON’T WANT A BIG BUTT. To share a little secret, I re
ad in this forum/girls guide book that girls check out guys butts,
and I was thinking, well, I kinda wish I had a firm butt..heh. mayb I’d be able to get lucky. And what I got instead..was a MASSIVE ONE. So please be careful what you wish for, cos you just might get it. Gosh, I think shaun sings a song with something like that in the lyrics..cos it sounds awfully familiar.
Oo, I decided to go and do some research on how to make my butt smaller, and this is my findings.

Okay. Gna make my rant about today shorter..cos I seri
ously gta memorise my Japanese stuff.
Today = BUTT BUTT BUTT. Couldn’t even watch a soccer game properly without people pulling out their cameras and taking photos.
.far out.
SION. Today, we were watching the spirited away again. YAY! I love watching it, it’s so awesome everytime and I realize new stuff that I didn’t see before and well, heh, it’s a good movie =). We got different food today, on top of the usual um, snacks ie. Biscuits and watnot,
today we also got HOT FOOD. YAY. Like pastry, party pies and stuff and I just realized how much belle frkn eats. And what the hell I DON’T SEE HOW SHE DOESN’T GET A FAT BUTT. I mean, haven’t checked it out yet, but I’m pretty sure her butt, well, ent as firm and curvy as mine. >__< *cries again*
I could not believe how into the game I was. I was like..cheering, shouting and jumping up and down every time they scored. Or was CLOSE to scoring hehe. Michael li got NUTTIED I think heh, sorry I had to point that out cos a special incident happened where I made a mistake in my speech.
Sigh* geh, I don’t like typing on word, I’m currently using word blogpost to type it up and somehow it just doesn’t seem as real..hmmm..okay I zoomed in a bit and somehow it’s better heh I just don’t like all the green and red lines on what I write..how do I turn it off..=__=. Watevs
Special mention cos to DREW!!! WHO WAS VERY AWESOME TODAY. SWAMI AS WELL =) you were my hero xD And to justin, Gabriel, ben, chrishan and funny mentions goes to Michael choi – omgosh there was this AWESOME pass which I think ben gave to him and it was like..really good but he choked and stuffed
up..gaarr.. heh yoonface was like..stupid Michael choi, I’m gna tell him off later. Anyway, KELVIN. Omg such a stupid face. Tells everybody to go watch his game and then he does all these air swings LOL heh but he’s a good friend who gives me honest comments about my Japanese writing.
Hmmm okay. Back to where I was before everything got deleted. Actually, I think I’ll just WRITE on the blogspot thing and then wen I haf to load pictures and stuff, I’ll just use the document thing to place it and stuff, easier, I think.
1. my dad drove grubsy back home and we all went in cos quite evidently, grubsy wanted to show off his grand piano. Which was actually quite nice.
First though, some pics.

Nigger Krissy’s shoes..looks quite ew. Heh no offence Krissy.

Back view.
Okay, krissy’s shoes was NOT what made Wednesday awesome heh
Now, grusby’s grandpiano pictures heh

He’s loving it, and the piano looks really nice too,
Okay, I’m gna bitch abt his piano now. His top range is VERY NICE, almost like the sparkling sound which you can hear from like a waterfall. That was a kinda weird metaphor to say, but it has a very clear sound. His MIDDLE RANGE, on the other hand, starts to get quite muffled and is only good for light chords. The LOW RANGE is even more muffled but I guess it’s good for jazz piano. Therefore, Richard’s piano is good for jazz =) oo I loveeee the piano legs. Looks very classique and regal

What’d I say? They’re much better looking than the ones that look like rectangular prisms ><

Last but not least, grubsy’s face =) which constitutes entirely to the awesomeness of the piano – see how nice I am to you Richard. You can stop calling me a fatass in maths now ^__^
After that, hmmm I went to chatswood cos I needed to see a dermatologist – obviously if you have a look @ my face, despite the handsome features, I seem to have slighted the king of pimples and he has sent some minions to attack my cheeks, my neck AND my back..so yeah haha I went to this place in chatswood and had this doctor called Margaret Tam. Dr. Margaret Tam, sorry. And SHE CALLED ME MR AU!!! Ahaha I loved it, she was calling me out, and she was like. MISTERRR AUU?? Ehh =DDD she’s a VERY Good doctor, so frkn fast and efficient. First thing she does it okay. Show me your back, okay, you got severe acne, that looks bad, I’m gna subscribe you to this but you gta ask your rheumatologist first if your Enbrel or Methotrexate will clash okay, take this, this and this and take a blood test. Book an appointment in two weeks see you then. I was like..=O OMG never seen such an awesome doctor.
Then, because of my blood tests and other tests which only shaun is allowed to know about xD, I met shaun @ Gloria jeans and we went to hav dinner..
EXCEPT! SHAUN DECIDED NOT TO BRING ENOUGH MONEY FOR US TO HAVE A GOOD MEAL, so we went to some underground HK fastfood place and had dinner there. it was cheap, and stupid shaun spilt tea on himself, FIRST THE DOG POO NOW THE TEA, GEEZ SHAUN XD

See the tea glass on the left? That would be knocked over in approximately 3 minutes and 33 seconds. I rkn pictures are awesome, videos too, it’s like you record a section of time and you can replay it and I don’t’ know, it’s very awesome. I love taking photos =)

And this was the place where we ate. It’s quite nice, they subscribed to TVBJ and so we watched some martial arts kung fu drama ahaha and I LOVED IT ehehe I love the kung fu style where they all fly around with special lights firing everywhere and they climb trees, and fight in the middle of nowhere 50 metres above the ground =)
THEN, WE WERE IN A HURRY. Haha because of my blood tests and other tests, we had to have dinner REAL quick and run to the train station. LUCKILY, omg I don’t’ believe how lucky we were, we never missed any train and always got onto a train in less than 5 minutes and we were off. Nevertheless, because of my love for taking photos @ circular quay ahah, we kinda missed the first little section of the Meet the Music concert.

Quite beautiful isn’t it, fine, it’s not REALLY but I don’t know, I jus love being near the water and seeing big buildings that are like at least 2 times my height. MAN I WISH I COULD GROW – 180 cm =) I’d b pretty happy if I was 180 cm I think I’d hav a smaller butt too – my body would be more proportional I think =)

Sydney opera house =]

Sydney opera house again, if you look closely, you can see shaun in front of me telling me to fkn hurry up and stop taking photos. =(
Anyway, the concert was AWESOME. Lots of baroque music sung by the ST. Thomas Boys choir and there was a soprano who was quite pretty xD mizzy might b interested heh but ANYWAYS, he already has mrs mizzy, grandma mizzy and mr mizzy heh actually, mizzy I’d like to be mizzy junior =) sounds more like me.

Sorry for the blurry photo, not supposed to take photos in the concert hall, but it was the end of the concert and I thought I’d take a few sneak peeks heh =]
AFTER THAT. WE WENT TO GUYLIAN CAFÉ!!! IT WAS SOOOO GOOD. Gna load a few images here to let you guys see how awesome it was.


Yay! Guylian café – if I could tag, I would tag. I might post it on facebook so mr wong can see himself. Heh I loved the café, it was such an awesome place to be in, and the stuff, yes expensive but REALLY NICE =)

Yay!! I’m in the photo too!! Hehe the lighting in the café was really weird and my camera just didn’t make it look very nice ahhaa ah wells, my face still looks quite nice though ehhee

Mr best: oh Christy let me take the photo for you
Christy: hmmm?
Mr Best: c’mon Patrick, take a photo with this lovely young woman
Mr Wong: oh okay ;) heh
Notice mr wong’s waffles – they were actually quite nice =)

My hot chocolate, served with a piece of guylian chocolate. IT WAS SO NICE eheh they had a piece of chocolate in the cup and we had to pour the hot chocolate into the cup heh. Okay I know most of you have tried it before, but I don’t know, simple things like these really make me happy cos heh =)

WHAT ME AND SHAUN HAD. From the chocolate one in the top right hand corner, working anticlockwise: vanilla, hazelnut, pistachio and yeh chocolate heh=) IT WAS REALLY GOOD heh, it melted kinda fast though. Oh that reminds me, shaun told me this theory: if they giv you big spoons, then the ice cream is small, if they giv you SMALL spoons, then the ice cream is gna b massive heh. I totally didn’t know that, and I was amazed at how true it was. =D thanks shaun ehhe

Last but not least, POSERS =D heh
That’s it for my blog today. I’m dead tired and I spent a HOL HOUR BLOGGINg. Gawsh. Hope you enjoyed it…I don’t know if this is still interesting if it’s so frkn long ahaha I’ll try blog every day so I wouldn’t’ hav to blog SOO MUCH every day.
Wells =)