First of all.
Having overslept by 30 minutes, (very lucky it wasn't much more. My mum woke me but i accidentally went back to sleep. Hate having to get out of the warm and cosy shelter of blankets, heated by my lovely farts XD jokes) I hurriedly did my hair, packed my camera and iPod (newly charged with Belle's music and Ashkenazy), quickly stuffed the Lor Mei Gei (lovely sticky rice with meat and vegies wrapped in leaves - it's much better than Joong which i definitely don't like as much).
Anyway, Justin shocked me by jumping out of the carriage and taking me to where Bovie and Ringo were doing Cryptic Crossword - (i have yet to work one out ;D). Skip, skip, got to Wynyard station, met Shaun who almost took us to the wrong place (stupid shaun) and went into an alleyway that led to a place called Angel Place City Recital Hall. *bubbles heightens with excitement, couldn't stand still and decided to visit Sunrise but met Mr Wong on the way and decided to annoy him abt always being fashionably late XD*
Anyway, we went in and saw many schools like the Conservatorium High School and many others which I don't know the name. Oh, i think Sydney Boys was there. skip skip,

I swear when I first saw his photo he looked like some mafia boss. He turned out to be a very friendly and funny guy who was quite tall. He wasn't as arrogant as I thought he would be. Was very warm and always wanted to be asked questions, imo. Initially, i thought he'd just be doing a little talk on his Piano Sonata. No. 3 but he actually did the entire Australian Music Day thing. I managed to ask TWO questions, and I found that quite amazing as I'm usually stuck for questions. Like, you wanna ask a question that proves you're not stupid, but you don't wanna be a smart ass and ask questions like "What is music?" "What is the meaning of life". And usually, by the time you think of something really intelligent to ask, it's too late and it's end of question time. =__=
Katia Skanavi played his third piano sonata and i found her delightful. I loved watching he facial expression change and her, not stance, but the way she moved whilst playing, it reflected the change in tempo and style of the piece and it was nothing like the showmanship of Lang Lang.
If you wanna watch disgusting piano playing, watch this:
The sound is quite okay, but the expression, and his face, omg. why do you need to focus on his face, mr cameraman? =___=
Some phootos of us inside:
Shauns' still asleep XD (oh yes, i have a very funny story abt Shaun which I shall elaborate on)
Angel Place featuring a strange white guy and some asian who looks a little like Matt Chan :P
and who can forget Mr Wong our favourite music teacher XD (major sucking up :P)
After that, we went to.....LINDT CAFE!!! =)
very fun time. and my first time too. Nathan and others went back in year 11 but i wasn't allowed to ct cos apparently it's dangerous, but ah wells.
i seriously could not help drooling when I went in, ALL THE CHOCOLATE and cake and everything. It was soo good.It's a shame I only had like $5 in my wallet. (thanks shaun for shouting me Lindt =D) Pictures:
Shaun (who's WIDE awake now) and Justin :D
Lindt Cafe entrance with Bovie in the front.
The impatient Mr Wong could not be bothered 'waiting here to be served' tut tut. welps. neither could I XD
CHOCOLATE CAKE =) and lots of it too. It's like 55 bucks for one. Good value? i don't know really for sure but i wouldn't mind paying this much - if i was rich..;D
I should have changed the colour adjusting for these photos, it makes the chocolate look so cold and unappetising - unlike Rex's Tiramisu cakes which he photoshops.
more photos of cakes =D
The nice lady @ the counter gave me and Shaun some free chocolate tastings. It was very nice and I should have asked to get some for my friends...>_> hehe
Mr Wong looks like such a happy kid with his Tiramisu/Chocolate cheese cake? Next to that, is Ringo's 7.50 cake (cheapo) hehe, everybody else got 12.50 ones and they were much nicer. At least they looked more appetising. ah well, you get what you pay for.
Justin and Bovie had um...Raspbery Chocolate cake? i don't remember but it looked really nice and again, much nicer than Ringos' one XD (accentuating Belle's 'Money=happiness' theory. For me, Money=Food=Happiness =DD)
*time lapse*
it is currently one week later and im' finishing off this post haha.
i'll see if i still remember details. shall keep the rest kinda short..cos my piano awaits me.
Chocolate Lava Cake and Icecream which Shaun ordered for me and him. it was..VERY NICE =) and everybody was quite envious of our little plate of goody there. As you can see, the ice cream was already melting when we got it - obviously Lindt cafe doesn't specialise in ice cream. Guylian, on the other hand, has quite good ice cream..more on Guylian later.
yes. that's shaun. very patiently waiting for me to take pictures before eating the lava cake. thanks shaun =)
=D IT'S MR WONG! haha. hope you're better now, you've been sick a lot lately. But I couldn't miss showing people this photo. this is Mr Wong's 'constipated' photo.
and this is our luvo. My awesome luvo skills with the angle and what not xD unfortunately, i cut out his 'fob finger' pose. But you can see like the tip of one of his fingers on the left hand corner. And, he looks much better in this photo.
As you can see, my fringe is kinda wonked up. I worked really hard the night before trying to cut my hair, you see. My mum bought me a pair of scissors (hair cutting ones, of course) so I would save her some money in the GFC from having hair cuts that cost 25 dollars. Mind you, it's worth it, the head massages they give you as they wash your hair is quite relaxing. The HK ones are quite good too, they even ask you whether the water temperature's just right and if there are any spots on your head where it itches!! love it =DD
Arrived @ school for a little bit of Japanese, where Lowcock sensei showed us his MASSIVE 'MAN'size box of tissues which he now keeps his keys and other accessories like whiteboard markers in. The tissues are like three times as big and very comfortable for the morning running-nose-itis. =D
Then we went to Erkensville, basu de (by bus) and Nathan stole my iPod so i had to pleasure myself with Shaun's games which wasn't very pleasurable until Tower BLOX, where I managed to reach the lowest 'high' score and i was quite happy with that =D. The highest score tower looks like frkn Howl's Moving Castle!! it's massive and really weirdly shaped.
Erkensville Theatre Hall place, is quite a hole. We could see beerbottles everywhere and the toilets, aka dunny ;) was filthy and I wish I had taken a larger breath of air before I started pissing. cos nothing sucks more than having to take a breath.....yeah. ANYWAY.
The play was quite good. Audience involvement. Audrey was a guy dressed as a girl with lopsided boobies and massive nipples which Nathan (or maybe it was me) couldn't stop staring at xD Rosalind was quite pretty and VERY good actor/actress. Anyways, I believe it was less crude than Hamlet ( after listening to many of those who discussed Hamlet's double gender and more than obvious hand gestures )
Skipped school to have a piano lesson. AND THIS TIME. i was given a compliment =D and feeling good, went to Epping station where I talked to Victor for a bit, then met with Belle and Alan to go Chatswood (Alan didn't want to come. wat a loser XD)
Main purpose of Chatswood: buy Ambert presents.
How long it took to buy presents: around 30 minutes.
How long we were @ chatswood: I was there for around 4 hours. =___=
First, we headed to westfield so I could take a piss and then look for Melon, the gag shop/random cool stuff shop which was very interesting. After finding our way finally to the food court (no thanks to our "navigator"), we went into Melon and saw many interesting things...including pindick condoms, full body condoms. AND IT WASN'T EVEN A SEX SHOP.. but we found what we wanted, a small metal flask to hold alcohol (for AMbert when he takes a driving test to whip out when he's feeling 'thirsty') and a card which farts when you open it. yes. it sound immature but we loved it when we saw it.
Then, we went to Rebel Sports to buy Eddison back his balls that I lost him when playing tennis. Sorry Eddles. And then we went to Toys R Us, where we spent most of our time. Belle basically gave me a full tour of Toys R Us, talking abt past toys and how they have changed, and I don't remember much from it apart from commenting how pretty Hannah Montana was and rofled @ belle's shocked expression =D
Went to 85 degress and drooled. Finally bought two cakes from there. belle, being the glutton she was, bought two massive pineapple buns (BOR LOR BAO) and some other bun which i forgot. Then we ate.
The top one, blueberry Cheesecake was REALLY good. The one on the bottom, which, btw was called "Mango Bubble" xD was..well. a rip.
I thought it was actually a mango slice, and when i poked it and it came apart real easy. :O ,I realised it was like,, mango pudding., with like sponge cake. ANd in the middle of the cake were these little dark brown bits of ratpoo looking things. I seriously thought it looked like rat poo or something and I recalled the Coogee Beach Ice cream thing, (correct me if I'm wrong) and we kinda played with the rat poo for a while. We realised it was actually chocolate covered nuts and..well. that was more reassuring. Neverthless, it wasn't that great a cake.
we thought we were gna b late for the Meet the Music thing. Turns out Shaun read the time wrong and we were quite early. skip skip skip. Ashkenazy goes on stage to perform Kakadu, in memory of Peter Sculthorpe who turns 80 this year ! and the moment he starts conducting, I was amazed.
he was REALLY interesting to watch!! haha i mean, the music was defintiely top quality. but the way he conducted (he was of a short stature and has small hands too, like me hehe) it was like he was dancing. those who were there would know he would move his hips a little and have the most extraordinarily cool moves with the baton and in general, he was just amazing.
When I become a conductor, i'm gna be just as entertaining to watch as to listen to. Well, the music would be just as good =) haha. my hero.
Guylian cafe.
Mr wong gaming. ROFL and camera being camera shy.
I love this picture, how mr wong is concentrating so hard on Richard's phone, really looks like his playing like Game boy or something hehe
The one i'm holding is the Praline shake which is very nice, has that hazel nut (sorry Justin) flavour to it which i like. the cream was really yummy too - i love whipped cream *drools*
Mr Wong's waffles. I think he's still laughing about some Looney Tunes cartoon which has references to big butts and thus he links it to me. =___=
rockmelon was quite good, pineapple sucked, strawberry was okay, banana was okay. THE CHOCOLATE WAS THE BEST. haha we got ASIAN DARK. LOL how asian of us, i could just imagine the waitress shaking her head @ us.
gosh mr wong has a big forehead ;D it's probably just the picture and my camera screwing up the size of everything...xD
ambert's bday.
happy birthday.
ordinary school day. WITHOUT JAZZ WTF *glare* at those who went to Hamlet.
not so ordinary home time and jap tutoring.
Basically, shaun buys us a vodka cruiser, raspberry flavour.
Boys and girls. Alcohol is evil. It can do many things to your life which you will regret. It is NOT as much fun as people think. Drink with caution. but most importantly, drink with friends and for the best time ever,
don't drink and just watch =D
I have told this story too many times, ask Shaun if you want details.
Shaun drinks like half a cup, gets REALLY RED. like almost as red as the raspberyy drink and my mum comes back. =O
my mum asks if he's drunk and we all say nah, he's just tired from going to sleep reall late cos he's doing like 6 units of english or soemthing. He gets sent to sleep in our guest room and i have to clean up the mess. Thing is, raspberry flavoured vodka is red. Wine is also red.
so i spill some on the ground and i realise that it's highly suspicious and thus, i quickly mopped it up and poured the rest of it from the cups into my drink bottle which some of you tried the next day. scary scary, heart racing moment.
All is fine till we go to Jap tutoring. and well. please don't bag kelvin out abt this. everyone's given him enough shit abt it, it was meant to be a harmless funny story in the beginning, but everybody twisted it saying he licked my face or soemthing WTF?
so please, be nice to Kelvin when you see him and don't give him crap. Just stroke his hair XDDD
jap tutoring:
i tell Kelvin the story in jap tutoring abt shaun getting red and he decides to have some of the stuff, cos i brought it ( a huge mistake of mine, but i couldn't leave it @ home,, shaun bought it for me and him to drink..ah well)
the first cup he has, he's fine. the SECOND cup he gets, well.
you know that state of mine you enter with alcohol. Like, people sometimes drink before they go to interviews so they'd start feeling 'brave'. it's that feeling of confidence - that everything's fine, you start doing stuf like chatting up girls you usually would be too scared to. Well, Kelvin entered a really happy state of mind. he started touching my leg, and putting his leg on mine. I mean, usually he does gay stuff to me in jap anyway, but it felt a little different.
He stands up to do jap speaking with the teacher and as he's waiting he starts like stroking my hair. Well, swinging his arm from left to right whilst brushing my hair. It felt really wtf and i told him to stop. He just gave me this creepy 'really happy' smile.
Okay, i'll stop there, he does some other funny stuff too but i feel like i've said too much already. Kelvin, i'm really sorry that everybody started twisting our story into making you sound like a drunk homo. You're not, you're an awesome guy who has a funny side to you once alcohol enters your system. but on the whole, you're a good friend who i've known since year 8 =O
hope everybody has a really good week, even though it's disgusting weather we're having. DON'T CATCH THE SWINE FLU. if you do have the slightest symptoms, go to your doctor. Those who just came from overseas, you have a 7 day quarantine where you're not supposed to leave your home much., or none at all.
have a good week all
I'm glad I didn't notice what Kelvin was doing.
ReplyDeleteI need to do my food photography tutorial sometime after this term's exams! Remember to take uber close ups since it'll have more impact.
Lindt and Guylian Cafe...must try after HSC! After our HSC Jap Extension Exam!!!
*glares* u know what this glare is for >.<
ReplyDeletebut the cakes and ice cream stuff look delicious =)
ReplyDeleteThis is a great blog. I loved all the photos. I can't believe you had so much good food in a week. DAMN YOU. D:
Vodka cruisers are nice. I tried some at home and I find I don't ever get flushed...
ReplyDeleteOr act drunk.
You had such an awesome week.
I want to go to an icecream cafe Post HSC
Long blog is long :|
ReplyDeleteAnd lol, vodka cruisers are nice, but i'm weak against alcohol xD mainly cause i'm so skinny
Whiskey is for real men!
ReplyDeleteMy uncle gave me some. Mad stuff. But yeah, I don't really want to drink until mid-20s. Even though 18 is legal age, now that I'm practically there, it still feels like it's too young eh.
"wat a loser" !!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't go because I couldn't. I would have loved to tag along if I could.
....sigh what is it with you and pictures? because of them i JUST capped...and i still have 4 more days to go *super-harmful-red-beam glare*
ReplyDeletenah they're great =) they're getting marginally better too which ihad expected to happen ages ago since you seem to take thousands of pictures a day
You're such a poser :D
ReplyDeleteWitam,ciekawe informacje jesli sie uda to wydaje mi się ze
ReplyDeleteponownie tu zagladne ;)
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