Sunday, July 25, 2010

Omg I really should be sleeping but...

Yes. It's 1.13am by my clock and I have again submitted to the lures of my computer.

I am currently under a lot of pressure and stress. There's SOO much to be done before I leave for my trip to Germany and I fear I will not have all the time I need to prepare everything.

Things yet to be done:

- Fill out early Voting form.
- Study hard for the UMAT
- Perhaps organise something for my birthday
- Finish learning and memorising the 4th movement of my Beethoven Sonata
- Perfect everything else in my repertoire
- Enter the Galson District Piano Eisteddfod
- Extend my Travel Insurance
- Organise some day-to-day Itineraries for Vienna/Berlin


Oh, and to the main reason why I am posting this. Today I received a pleasant email from my Inbox with the following Subject: Masterclasses with Professor JP (yay!)

And this is how it goes:


Dear participants,
we look forward to have you in Bad Bertrich very soon. Once again students from around the
world have signed up:

Esther Kim, Christopher Au (IT'S ME =D why Christopher? I have no idea), Paoley Tija, Sam Dharma, ......and the list goes on..

The closest train station to Bad Bertrich is Bullay/Mosel. Arriving from Frankfurt airport
you have to switch trains at Koblenz. Trains from the airport run every hour (direction Bonn-
Cologne) and take a little over one hour to get to Koblenz. In Bullay we can pick you up by
car. There is also bus service (not very frequently) and taxis. We recommend you arrive by
either one of these trains on Sunday August 8:
These are trains on the line from Cologne to Luxemburg. Arriving from Cologne you may not
need to switch trains in Koblenz.

These are not the only trains, but those are the times we will be able to pick you up in
Bullay. If possible try to let me know when you plan to arrive. If possible do not arrive after
16:07, because then the time before the opening recital of the festival (7pm) featuring Anna
Malikova (Moscow) might be too short.

The concert is in the „Kurfürstliches Schlösschen“,
also the location of the master class. Bad Bertrich is a small town, everything is within
walking distance. The concerts are free for all students. Enclosed find the festival brochure.
We kindly ask you to mail us your time of arrival. Bad Bertrich has a bakery and convenience
stores. Please have the course fee ready in cash on Monday August 9 (no checks, no credit

Please bring appropriate attire for the master class final concert. Also bring bathing suits; the
admission to the fabulous new thermal spa is free to students.(coolies:P) The master class fee is due the
first days of class in cash (Euros). Please make plans to vacate the apartments on Saturday
Aug. 21 before noon. If you have very early return flights Saturday morning you may have to
go to Frankfurt Friday night. You will get your housing assignment upon arrival. Please let
me know now if for any reason you cannot attend the master class.
Sunday August 8 I can be reached all day by dialing 0171/49 41 653. If there are any
questions, please call, write, or email.

Very sincerely,

Well, that's all I really wanted to share with you tonight.

On a very excited and jovial note - I BAKED COOKES!! Melting Moments to be precise. And they were very yummy and I wish I had made more :) More on that soon.

Gotta sleep, gonna try and wake up at 7am to do some UMAT before Church!


  1. mmmmmmmmmyummmmmmmmm Frankfurt.........airport

  2. The place is called Cologne hehe.

    But gosh, HOW EXCITING!!!

  3. @ Bella:
    HAHA it's a shame i can't bring back any sausages :(

    @ SY: very exciting indeedidly xD

  4. if you have time, please blog from Europe! good luck getting everything ready and hope UMAT went well =D
