Today has been such a frustrating day, with so many disagreements and conflicting perspectives hehe on so many different events and its' just been really tiring on the usually cheery Bubbles.

We don't have that much time left together. Let's just be cool, accepting of one another and like i said before, leave school with no regrets.
Cherish every moment you have with one another, because it's seriously not going to last for much longer.
I'm taking my camera to school everyday, taking snapshots of our classes and of my dearest friends. (gosh this sounds kinda corny hehe)
anyway, here are some that I took today :)
why the long face?
Alan being awesome
Kelvin: his big head didn't fit in the screen. jokes.
Believe it or not, Kelvin and I have been friends for 4 years, and we were best buddies in year 8 until he left for Ruse. It's even slightly romantic now that I've come to join him in Ruse, japanese buddies since year 11. =D
alan's infamous fingers blocking an otherwise lovely photo :(

Grubsy in mathematics :)
This is officially my favourite photo. I love him ♥ teehee
In conclusion,
I've been told High School is one of the best times of our life. I know that in hindsight we will all agree, so right now, whilst we still have time to create the best memories of our life, let's just all try and have fun. smile lots. ^_^
see you all soon =D
was going to practice piano, and guess what I found on the cloth all by himself?
A praying mantis? i'm not sure but it almost looks like a Pokemon hehe. i shall call it Pantisaurus Bubbs xD i love insects and animals, just not a huge fan of birds :(