Sunday, June 28, 2009


yes! i have made my blog a little prettier.
i still hate how the words look so small though..

in comparison, joseph, bosco, jero and janette's blogs look some betterr...
maybe i should change to word press. haha
even if i don't blog much - at least i'd look pretty hehe =)

ah well. bubbles' newsupdate

i currently have two possible swine flu victims in my household.

1. Cliff - my cousin from St. Joseph - yes 5 outbreaks? lols um. cases of swine flu in that school and apparently he was sitting next to one who possibly had it

2. Dad - he just came back from HK (my mum will be leaving soon again i'm afraid) and well. yes. in HK it's quite serious so i don't know what that'd b like.

what else is happening. oh yes. i'm sick AGAIN. frkn hell. >=( i have all this flem in my throat and everytime i swallow it tastes really gross - i don't know how you taste if it's in my throat -but either way it feels really gross..

has anything ever had something like:

you're in the middle of playing sport or jumping around and suddenly you cough and this kinda hard lump gets coughed up and you spit it out - sniff it and it REALLY smells it's like bad breath but much much worse. i can't figure out what it is. - i know a really really bad one came out after Cross Country and some occassionally when i'm dancing around at home >_>
but yes.

please let me know what the hel that is - and if you guys have it too.

oh yes. for those who didn't get to see my blog when I was raging after I had failed to make it look better (it still ent great - i still don't have chatbox nor blog list but it's getting there) this is a picture:

yes yes i know it looks small - i envy all those word press users whose pictures are SO BIG. far out. i mean joseph's picture of his keyboard/antnest was just a bit too big inmyopinion but hey. at least it's big - this is the max size i think - and it's tiny. gar.

Anyway, hope you all have a nice day tomorrow.

i shall prepare a nicer blog for tomorrow - i had something in mind but didn't have the time :(



    You sick sick boy, who the frick sniffs their flem!? EEW! You might as well nibble it and gurgle it in your mouth to accentuate the flavours!

    Don't worry an ugly blog isn't a reflection of the writer ;)

  2. "you're in the middle of playing sport or jumping around and suddenly you cough and this kinda hard lump gets coughed up and you spit it out - sniff it and it REALLY smells it's like bad breath but much much worse. i can't figure out what it is." - I know what you're talking about, because I get it when doing Kung Fu, but I NEVER sniff it O_O
    Get well soon.

    D: D: D:


  4. nice layout. Hope you get better ^^. Get plenty of rest and our prayers are with you.

  5. cheryl:
    you are SOO gross. and i agree with bosco. who smells their phlegm??

  6. Your border looks yummy.

  7. Hahaha, why, and more importantly, HOW did you smell it?

    Probably a mix of bile and phlegm or something.

  8. As some people pointed out, it's phlegm not flem. And I have your maths mark. If you want it then too bad, you must sing the musical song around the maths room, with your pants down.

    Your blog remains depthless and continues to lack real value, not up to the calibre of the party in Nathan's pants.

    Get better Chris :P

  9. chrisyipp: lol "not up to calibre of the party in Nathan's pants"
