Sunday, June 28, 2009


yes! i have made my blog a little prettier.
i still hate how the words look so small though..

in comparison, joseph, bosco, jero and janette's blogs look some betterr...
maybe i should change to word press. haha
even if i don't blog much - at least i'd look pretty hehe =)

ah well. bubbles' newsupdate

i currently have two possible swine flu victims in my household.

1. Cliff - my cousin from St. Joseph - yes 5 outbreaks? lols um. cases of swine flu in that school and apparently he was sitting next to one who possibly had it

2. Dad - he just came back from HK (my mum will be leaving soon again i'm afraid) and well. yes. in HK it's quite serious so i don't know what that'd b like.

what else is happening. oh yes. i'm sick AGAIN. frkn hell. >=( i have all this flem in my throat and everytime i swallow it tastes really gross - i don't know how you taste if it's in my throat -but either way it feels really gross..

has anything ever had something like:

you're in the middle of playing sport or jumping around and suddenly you cough and this kinda hard lump gets coughed up and you spit it out - sniff it and it REALLY smells it's like bad breath but much much worse. i can't figure out what it is. - i know a really really bad one came out after Cross Country and some occassionally when i'm dancing around at home >_>
but yes.

please let me know what the hel that is - and if you guys have it too.

oh yes. for those who didn't get to see my blog when I was raging after I had failed to make it look better (it still ent great - i still don't have chatbox nor blog list but it's getting there) this is a picture:

yes yes i know it looks small - i envy all those word press users whose pictures are SO BIG. far out. i mean joseph's picture of his keyboard/antnest was just a bit too big inmyopinion but hey. at least it's big - this is the max size i think - and it's tiny. gar.

Anyway, hope you all have a nice day tomorrow.

i shall prepare a nicer blog for tomorrow - i had something in mind but didn't have the time :(



I tried to download a new template and make it look nicer.
and it failed (obviously as you can tell)

Not only that,
When i realised it didn't work and I put in some random template. not only does it look gay, but it MY BLOGLIST IS GONE! gotta upload all those sites all over again.

omfg. this is why i shouldn't procrastinate.

stupid 3Unit english and stupid cough.

i think Belle gave it to me in jap Continuers test. >=(

welps. i guess i'll b staying home again then. hehe

hmmm..might as well try and fix it up now that I've gone and ruined it.


ps. belle don't do speaking tomorrow if you want me to help you ;)

oh and Mr Wong - if you read this. i'm REALLY sorry for missing out on your double period of Music. I'm gna b working on my composition and performances pieces tomorrow whilst i'm sick. (and doing3Unitenglish *cough*) hehe =)


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

stupid Alan

Well, it's been a while!

I used to blog every day and always have something to talk about. Now I only blog when I have photos or I do something exciting/fun @ school. XD

Many of you might be wondering (probably not) where I was last week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) - welll apart from catching up on some sleep (not really..) I was practicing piano for the Parramatta Eisteddfod, in my fail attempt of getting the $1000/2000 scholarship up for grabs.

There's not much to talk about on those days really. I woke up @ around 8.30, ate ( very important xD) and sat down and practiced. Afterwards, I would have a piano lesson (for free - Margaret's been giving me a free one everyday - Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning). I'm really grateful for her 'free' lessons. She says I need it and I can't really say I don't. She told me to skip school because this is for my future career and it would benefit me a lot if I took some days of school off for this eisteddfod.

What I wore to play: well. The same as when I went to chatswood and to see Meet the Music. Black shirt with black stripes and a double collar. followed by a silver tie.

At the competition. EVERYONE was so good. There were occassional ones who er. weren't as good (especially in the Australian section) but the major stars of the competition were:

James Guan (he got the 2000 bucks. ='( He played very well, and his Chopin Sonata was very nice quote from adjudicator: one of the best interpretations i have heard")
Leanna Lam (came first for the Own Choice section. I only managed to beat her in the Australian section..cos she went over the time limit and thus had to be deducted points)
Camellia Wong (Mr Wong's teacher's student? i think. not sure but she was quite good)

These people are already in Uni and have much more experience @ piano than me, who basically tried to do 6months worth of practice in 2 weeks. (that's my only excuse for not getting the 2000 scholarship xD - i can blame it on laziness. Music is hard work)

I managed to get 2nd place ($40 bucks yay!) in the Australian Section playing the Carl Vine Bagatelles II, III and IV. In my opinion, I played that the worst. My Les Jeux d'eaux a la Villa D'este - I was most happy with, despite only getting 4th place for that only.

comments: "Took the listener on a variety of moods and sustained the focus of attention throughout the climax of the piece to the calm denouncement" I guess that's good?

Then on Sunday, I played in the Scholarship section with my Prelude & Fugue in C# by Bach and Ravel's Ondine from Gaspard de la nuit. Not a great performance and because of my apparent nervousness - I didn't play as well as I wanted to.

Astronaut visit

was extremely inspiring.

Basically the first thing he said to the school was one of the most inspiring things he said. Paraphrasing: "If you have a dream, just work hard at it and you'll get there" It's particularly inspiring for someone like me, who is aiming for something that not many people can get into. Music is extremely hard to do well and earn lots of money in. But then, I guess so is Rocket Science and Aeronautics.

He is my inspiration. I really wish I could have talked to him personally and asked him a few more questions.

BUS TRIP RIDE HOME ft. Alan (Goose) and Joseph

So we record for Jazz ensemble, singing our very enjoyable Bad Condition. The chem room makes the sound so amazingly good. I really enjoyed singing it and I reckon the first time we sing the 'chorus' is really good. Everyone's voice ent really that tired yet - especially tenors (really easy to testipop when your voice gets tired) and all the layers of harmony exist very harmoniously together xDD

Anyway, after that, me, Alan, Joseph join a couple (actually a lot of) others to catch the Epping bus home.

Since Josph recently informed me through his blog that he had never taken a luvo before. In my extreme surprise and astonishment, I promised him I would take one with him. His first luvo HAHA.

I actually reckon it's a very good photo and Joseph is quite photogenic imo. xD

Alan, Joseph and yours sincerely =D

Alan looking very surprised.. hehe


hmmm. let me explain. Alan was MEANT to do the Kelvin/Mr Lowcock's surprised/wide eyed 8( look but apparently Alan didn't know or something and he didn't do it. so i'm the only one left looking stupid as i was taking the luvo =(

And I think that's Carol stretching behind us =D

Anyway, that was a very fun bus trip. Alan, I hope you enjoyed your e-fun instead of going to library with me :P

A special HI to Chris from year 11 who recently informed me he READ MY BLOG?! LOL.

I shall blog more about my cooking adventures and other funny disney stuff later on. Maybe after exams I shall attempt to be Masterchef of my household again =)

until then. Exams are coming so i doubt i'll be blogging.


the title of the blog is dedicated to Alan. It is a phrase I often use with Alan as he always plays tricks and pranks on me (like stealing my pencil pencil case).