Friday, May 1, 2009

after temporarily retiring, i'm back =)

oh gosh. after deleting and rewriting up my introduction, i discovered i well and truly forgot how to blog. all my sentences seem abrupt. awkward. and short. but here goes.

initially, this whole blog idea was meant to be a semi-diary, where i could look back on what i did before and reminisence (however you spell it). i really like reminiscing. it's just a part of me that really likes to look back to the 'happy old days' and then daydream about the future. 

well. how about a holiday summary to continue on this semi-diary convention i've started.

My most productive days, in my opinion, were my first few days. especially cooking. Then, my productivity started to decline and i spent most of my holidays either going out or reading manga.

Speaking of manga, I'd like to recommend a certain mangaka (manga artist) called Adachi Mitsuru. He is amazing. in fact, beyond amazing. He is my hero. 

Adachi usually writes sports manga, usually baseball (he's done swimming and boxing as well) and he always adds in comedy and romance, which forms a fundamental part of his mangas. His works include Touch, Rough, H2, Katsu!, Cross Game, Miyuki, Hiatari Ryoukou, Niji-iro Togarashi and many more. 

You really just have to read it to find out how good it is. I highly recommend it. All his mangas have been readapted to anime and then to live-action movies. So, it's gta be quite good if they do that. After all, Hana kimitachi e, Hana Yori Dango and Nodame Cantabile were all mangas to begin with and look how awesome they were. And manga is ALWAYS better than the anime or drama. 

I really cannot stress enough how good these mangas are. They're different from the battle manga like Bleach and Naruto (all about getting more power etc.). Ah well, if you're interested, let me know, I have 90% of his collection =D

These are some pictures:

Anyway, back to holidays.

Last week of holidays:

Monday: piano

Tuesday: EASTER SHOW (with my sister Krystal, Belle, Winnie, Sam and Cat)

Wednesday: PAINTBALL (for ally's birthday) 

Thursday: Jap tutoring

Friday: maths tutoring

Saturday: piano lesson then RICHARD'S SLEEPOVER (where we had a semi movie marathon, Monster House, Charlie's Angels ;), Transformers and Charlie and the CHOCOLATE factory) 

Sunday: Church, then was gna watch a movie @ Parra, but got told to go home and sleep by my dad. Ended up going to Bicenntenial Park @ Homebush. Cycled on bike, "trained" for athletics   (which was basically just running beside my sister as she cycled, then gave up cos she was too slow >_> hehe). Had dinner @ Peking Restaurant. PEKING DUCK!! yay. 

Monday: panicked cos i hadn't packed or cleaned up in the whole holidays, then gave up cos there was too much and read Touch and H2

Photos? hmm. still on my camera. Can't be bothered to load them yet heh.

YAY!!! Wolverine and Shawshank Redemption finished downloading. 

welps. i'm done here then. hehe

Hope everybody had a really good holiday.

@THELOVEGOD or watever: i don't like discussing my feelings on love on my blog. it's not a loveblog after all. 

a shout to Kazuki: it was his birthday on the 29th of April. I shall send him something maybe. I was planning to burn him a CD of good American/Western Music. Anyone got good songs? and probably another gift too. 

bye for now.


  1. holy as if his b'day is on the 29th april. that's the same as my sister!

  2. WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOGOSPHERE you lazy blogger.

    :D I know Kazuki reads our blogs because I TRACKED HIM DOWN :D This term = hard work :(

  3. Bubbles let me borrow some of your manga. Give me baseball ones :) and the ones you would recommend.

    Oh I talked to Kazuki before and he had liked Maroon 5 before last holidays. Something to think about.

  4. I'm guessing Adachi Mitsuru also drew the pictures for Mizugi Kanojo? :p

    oh sorry for calling u tonight..i forgot u had Jap tutoring..

  5. Cross Game is good ^^

  6. LOVE STORY BY TAYLOR SWIFT xD american country pop!


    That was fun :)

  8. "@THELOVEGOD or watever: i don't like discussing my feelings on love on my blog. it's not a loveblog after all."

    That's false advertising! :P

    b u b b s

    aka Chris Au james ruse yr 12 happiness, love, travel, holidays, friends, God, family, MUSIC, luvos =)

  9. @spik3:
    oh yes. true that. fine i'll discuss it in my next post XD

    @Quentin: definitely love story =)

    @ Materix01: THEY'RE ALL GOOD =DD

    @ shaunathon: NO wtf is mizugi kanojo. wtf is this nonsense you speak of. *glares*

    @ Eddy: bubbles manga coming up for you =]

    thank you for your comments. i feel somewhat more motivated to do another post =P
